Seeing an Elephant for the first time in Sri Lanka

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1 year ago
Topics: Srilanka, Travel, Family, Youtube, Russian, ...

Oh my goodness ! Sri Lanka keeps giving me new great experiences and some of them I really wanted the whole of my life. For example seeing an elephant what I did only once in life now and that's here in Sri Lanka that I didn't even plan to go to, but that was the easiest destination for us, and the fastest way to get the visa. I tried a lot of new food to me here, and the same about this trip in the video, I've seen monkeys that close for the first time. I really enjoy being here. Check out as well the buses and the trains that are still working for many years.

I would say that this is the best country I ever visited, really !

Enjoy watching the video and look at our reaction seeing all that.

Travelling the world is now my duty. I hope to show more countries in the future. But now enjoy the details about Sri Lanka and subscribe to my channel to not miss that.

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1 year ago
Topics: Srilanka, Travel, Family, Youtube, Russian, ...
