Hybrid NFT: The Metaverse Has Never Been This Close

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2 years ago

Hybrid NFT therefore represents the natural evolution of the sector, a further step towards mass adoption. The team will need to forge numerous partnerships with international companies. Imagine the production of Nike NFT shoes or Adidas NFT hats, D $ G bags or Armani suits. All this will be possible to order and print it and receive it comfortably at home!

The HYBRID token will offer additional incentives for users such as access to limited items, discount and many other options. In my opinion, the power of the project is exponential but the work of the team in development but above all in marketing will be fundamental. A single collaboration with a large fashion company could really launch the project towards incredible success.

The general view is that Hybrid will own the entire ecosystem to facilitate this:

  • The relationship with brands and talents combined with appropriate rights

  • The market from which to sell the product

  • The factory from which to produce the real world product

  • A content channel that broadcasts live drops to the world, leveraging the social reach of each brand and bridging the knowledge gap with mass market audiences with the use of presenters, live talented interviews and explanations

  • The ability to trade, trade and resell your limited edition pieces with other fans using the HYBD token

  • Official pop-up shops and events within popular metaverse platforms from which to promote and sell licensed fashion, clothing and merchandise to fans

In the coming years, more and more companies will invest in the metaverse, for example the social media giant Facebook, which has decided to change its company name to META. Imagine if Facebook users, about 2 billion to date, started requesting the NFT printing of their profile on a shirt, a hat. New lines and fashion brands will be born, there will be an exponential demand for NFT printing, so it is necessary right away to start building that impressive infrastructure that will be required in the coming years.

From a physical retail perspective, Hybrid is able to create high-quality clothing, fashion and merchandising directly from its new smart factory facility, the first of which will be built in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai Free Zone) and linked to the customs blockchain for global distribution.

The facility will initially be able to produce up to 5,000 individually printed garments per week, all on demand and made to specification. These will be limited edition items for licensed brands that will be linked to its metaverse counterpart via blockchain technology.

In partnership with Aeoon Technologies, one of the world's leading manufacturers of direct-to-garment (DTG) printing technology, the smart factory will be able to produce clothing, art and fashion of the highest possible quality and quantity. But it is clear that a higher than expected demand, such as the one that will await us in the future, will require an increase in the number of machinery and factories all over the world.


A 100,000 HYBD token airdrop is currently underway for everyone who will help the team publicize the project on social media. It is also essential to read all the details of the project on the group's website and stay up to date on developments and future communications, the official launch and the token sale that will be communicated in the coming weeks!

5 winners will be chosen from among the participants, winning a substantial part of the prizes. So I wish you the best of luck! To participate in the airdrop click on the link below



The foresight of a project is the characteristic foundation to make a real difference. Amazon created its success by creating an ecommerce platform by knowing the potential of the internet. Hybrid is following a similar path by knowing the potential of NFTs and anticipating the impact this will bring to our economy in the coming years.

The partnership with LunArt NFT is therefore strategic and complementary because while the latter aims to create an NFT platform for the exchange and creation of digital works, Hybrid will be the company that will take care of transforming the same digital works into something really concrete. through 3D printing technology.

This is not science fiction, as some might think, but it is the natural development of a technology that users like more and more and now even fashion companies, and not only, are interested in getting to the heart of it. The opportunities will be multiple and the advantage of being able to enter the sector well in advance, well you know what it is.

The team will also be led by Loop Ventures, a group of blockchain technicians who have a great goal: to disseminate the advantages of blockchain technology to all users and offer valuable support to those who can really offer a lot in the sector but do not have the right information or expertise.

Thanks for reading my post. If you liked the content, your rating or comment is welcome.

Website: https://www.hybridnft.io/

This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial services

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