Creating a Solution to Lower my Stress Level

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1 year ago

I decided to share this, in case someone finds it useful.

Yesterday was not so good for me. I was weighed down by anxiety, stress and fear of the unknown.

These fears emanated from the fact that I had so many tasks lined up, so many things to learn yet with very limited time.

I went to bed a little earlier than usual, sad and without dinner too. My moods have weird effects on my appetite.

Resting helps me to relax and organize my thoughts better, so when I woke up this morning, I figured out an idea that could help. It was not an actual solution if I'm to say the truth, but a sure guide to achieving my aims and lowering my stress level.

First, I started my day with a yoga session where I practiced some breathing exercise.

Next, I wrote down all of my problems and tasks on a plain sheet of paper, ordering them according to their urgency and importance.

I almost considered using a spreadsheet for this but I needed to write them down myself and reflect on them without going close to the screen.

So, after putting these down, I realized that I had only few actual deadlines which I've almost met. I still have lots of time to finish up. The tasks that were actually causing such panics for me were the deadlines I created for myself.

I had put in my time, working to beat the actual deadlines thereby paying little or not attention to the targets I set for myself.

I realized I was somehow, still on the right track.

All I needed to do was postpone my "fake" deadlines and focus on the works at hand so as to have sufficient time to meet my own targets.

Writing out my problems this way also helped me figure out my most important personal tasks. Now I know which to concentrate on and even when to do so.

My day started off so well if you ask me.

I am going to make a huge progress today.

Good Morning and have a great day my friends!

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1 year ago
