Greece - Food & Drinks - Main Dish: Spanakorizo.

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4 years ago

'Spanakorizo' (σπανακόρυζο) is a dish that got its name from its 2 main ingredients: 'Spanaki' meaning 'Spinach' and 'Rizo' meaning 'Rice'. So as its name 'Spinach Rice' already reveals, it is a very easy to create dish.

Spanakorizo can be eaten both 'warm' or 'cold'. The latter is my favorite. I LOVE it, prepared (and stored in the refrigerator) yesterday. When all the flavors have absorbed well by the rice, this dish becomes even more delightful.
So save some for tomorrow!

I serve Spanakorizo always with some cubes of Feta cheese and some lemon wedges.

Accompanied with a fresh, white wine this dish comes to its full right. Greece has many great wines but may I suggest you: PROTOPAPAS (Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Traminer) 2018. It is a great, yet cheap (under €5), table wine.


  • - 250 gr. rice.
    - 1 kg. fresh spinach.
    - 4- 5 shallots (you can also use 1 big onion but shallots don't have this sharp taste).
    - 1 bunch of dill.
    - 2 red (Florina) peppers.
    - juice of 2 lemons.
    - 200 ml. olive oil.
    - 500 ml. water.
    - 1 teaspoon of salt.
    - 1 teaspoon of (black) pepper.
    - 1 teaspoon of cumin.


  • - (1) Cut the shallots (or the onion) into small pieces.
    - (2) Cut the spinach and the dill into a small pieces. (Don't use a blender!).
    - (3) Cut the 2 red (Florina) peppers (cross) into small slices.
    - (4) Heat up the 200 ml. of olive oil in a frying pan.
    - (5) Fruit the shallots (or the onion) in this oil.
    - (6) Add the spinach and dill mixture.
    - (7) Add the slices of (Florina) peppers.
    - (8) Add the 500 ml. water.
    - (9) Boil all this for about 3 minutes.
    - (10) Spoon, gently, the 250 gr. of rice into the mixture.
    - (11) Bring on taste with salt, pepper and cumin.
    - (12) Cook the 'Spanakorizo' further, on a gentle fire, until all the water is absorbed or the rice is well-done.
    - (13) Sprinkle the lemon juice over the 'Spanakorizo' and mix (with a spoon).

  • Finally:
    - Serve the 'Spanakorizo' with some cubes of fresh Feta cheese (I prefer the Epirus one as it has a very fresh taste) and lemon wedges.


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Avatar for chryptof
4 years ago
