I have a huge question, it may have happened and Noise.case refuse to let me login.
let's start from the beginning,
I was normally inside the page, I made my posts,
here is one of them
as you can see, I'm in, I can write, but suddenly he throws me out,
I'm trying to login but nothing, I am permanently passing this message,
I say, OK, let me try to change the password, maybe with my password, but there my question grows.
the answer I got was that there is no user with this email
and the madness reaches its climax the moment I decide to re-create my account and start over
as you can see the answer is such that it sends you with a VIP card to the insane asylum
"This name is already taken"
"This email is already taken"
while, a while ago said that I do not exist as a user in the platform
Can someone explain to me what may have happened ??