GALA Nodes Smash through $20k as it walks the road to $100k.GALA coin rises in price.

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2 years ago


GALA Games, the decentralized blockchain gaming platform, has been making waves throughout the gaming and crypto industry. With approximately   35,000 active nodes scattered around the globe, the platform can proudly claim the title of being the most decentralized network in the world.

The platform's native coin($GALA) has been enjoying a huge price spike due to the recent listing on Binance, which in turn has resulted in a huge influx of crypto enthusiasts and gamers entering the GALA community. Consequently, the sale of GALA nodes have reached insanely high levels with an average of 100 - 150 node sales a day.

This has conveniently come at an exciting time in the GALA world where the community has been soaking in the positive announcements such as;

  • GALA chain, the native blockchain for the platform will be live by the end of the year, allowing players to  move away from the Ethereum network where they will be longer hostage to expensive and slow fees.

  • The "play to earn" mechanism will be deployed onto the game "TownStar on the 5th October, economically benefiting both players and node owners,

  • SpiderTanks, the player vs player battle royale game is one step closer to launching this year as beta testing commences.

Node pricing

Out of the finite supply of 50,000 nodes, just over 70% have been sold to date ( 35,044 to be precise) with the current price of a node costing $20,000.

GALA have deployed a rather interesting pricing mechanism where the price of a node increases by $500 for every 100 nodes sales. For example, node sales 35,100 to 35,200 will cost $20,500, whilst node sales 35,200 to 35,300 will cost $21,000. The final 100 nodes will be sold for just under $100k. Assuming my memory serves me well the exact figure is $95k.

Whilst nodes can only be purchased from GALA Games, the intention is that once the entire 50,000 nodes have been sold, they will be converted into NFTs (non fungible tokens) allowing them to be traded on a secondary market. 

These node sales are used by GALA to fund game and platform development. 

Node rewards & earnings

Active node owners are currently enjoying a daily distribution of circa 430 GALA tokens. With the USD/GALA price trading at a healthy $0.12, this converts into daily earnings of just over $50 (430 x $0.12), or $600 per month.

This distribution comes from the fixed 8.5millions GALA tokens that are injected into circulation on a daily basis and distributed to node owners on a points basis. As a result of the tokenomics at play here :   more nodes online = a reduction in daily GALA per node.

In addition to daily GALA, from the 5th October, node owners will be receiving daily drops of $TownCoin which is the native coin for the game TownStar. The exact distribution is not yet known, but what we do know is that it will be calculated as a % of the total play to earn earnings generated by players on that day. It is also worthy of noting that every game launched on the GALA platform will have its' own coin, which will be distributed to node owners.

Finally, node owners are randomly airdropped NFTs that can be used in the game to generate passive income. Alternatively, node owners can sell these NFTs on a secondary market such as Opensea.

Gaming development update

For those who are interested in what games we can expect on the GALA platform in the next 12 months or so, I have provided a quick summary below.


Townstar is the first game launched on the platform. Players compete to build the most profitable town and are rewarded in cash prizes on a weekly basis. Town owners are tasked with creating a virtual economy where they are expected to grow crops, nurture cattle, build roads and infrastructure, along with employing staff and constructing buildings. Logic and patience is a must in this game. In addition, from the 5th October, players will be rewarded in the game's local currency, TownCoin.


Set in a massive world ruled by five monarchs, Mirandus gives players complete freedom of choice, including the ability to acquire, utilize, and sell assets ranging from small land holdings to one of five ancient citadels which cost an eyewatering half a million dollars. Players will have a plethora of in game choice, they can set out into the wilderness to try their fortunes against the monsters of the deep woods and dungeons, or join with one of the monarchs to serve as a knight in their court, or even set up a weapons shop in one of the five great cities of the realm. Mirandus is expected to be released in the summer of 2022.

Spider Tank

Spider Tanks is a PVP Brawler designed and developed by award-winning Netherlands based GAMEDIA. Players choose between a number of Tank Bodies and Weapons in the garage, then battle it out in one of the many Spider Tanks arenas. Spider Tanks is free to play, but also incorporates a variety of play to earn mechanics, centering around skill based competition, resource collection, and a player-driven upgrade cycle. Whether you want to play with a small group of close friends, or test your skill in high-stakes competition, Spider Tanks will be the worldwide play-to-earn esport. Launch date expected in Q4, 2021.

Echoes of Empire (EoE)

Echoes of Empire is a wildly exciting sci-fi strategy game set within a galaxy at war. In game, players will be able to build, upgrade, and own a fleet of epic spaceships used to control pockets of the huge galaxy. Players can go solo or join up in massive guilds to wage combat over the scarce resources circulating the system. Once they obtain enough resources they can conquer economic centers of their Command Station where they can upgrade warships, craft new weapons, and repair their fleet. Player ownership of in-game assets is a central mechanic, and players will have the ability to own major sectors of the galactic system. EoE is set to be launched in Q2 of 2022.


Fortified is a war soaked Tower Defense game set in a fantastical medieval world. In game, players will be able to compete with one another to build the best tower defense strategies, utilizing everything from basic arrows and archery to the arcane arts. Compete with players on your own terms on your own land, or meet on neutral territory to battle it out to see who will take home the prize. Player ownership of assets is an important part of each part of the game, but those without land or NFTs will still be able to join and compete, potentially earning part of the prize pool! In Fortified, you set the terms of your engagement, build out your tower network, and train your NFT-based troops to attack! A launch date has not been announced as of yet, but I would expect early 2022.


GALA have also announced that a further 10-15 games should be fully released on the platform in the next 2 years, with further details to be announced soon.

Interested in learning more about GALA?

Whether you are interested in learning more about GALA and their mission to create the largest decentralized gaming platform on the planet, or whether you are interested in becoming a node owner I am providing my sign up link here (sign up is free).  For complete transparency,  I do receive a small commission for anyone that purchases a node using my link.

Happy reading guys!

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2 years ago
