Minecraft + Polygon = NFT Worlds

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2 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin, Minecraft, Polygon, NFTs, Worlds, ...

frens, Minecraft is one of the most popular games to ever exist. With no story, no rules, and endless possibilities, the game continues to live on since 2011.

NFT Worlds

Minecraft has gotten a ton of crazy mods and things like that to add features, graphical enhancements, and much more. Hell, people have built crazy things in the game like a working graph calculator to a computer capable of running Doom. The possibilities of what can be cone in the Minecraft world are literally endless with mods and custom servers. I've honestly played it a total of less than 1 hour in my entire life. My nephews, however, have played it for like 138459345348 hours and they have built some pretty impressive stuff. I just never really got into it. I need a story and an objective because I have the attention span of a goldfish like most people my age. Etier way, I've always been impressed with the things people are still able to do with a game created over 10 years ago.

With the emergence of NFTs, I'm honestly shocked that Microsoft hasn't tried to integrate some form of this technology into the game. Alas, it's up to third party developers to make it happen. I've written about The Uplift World a few times in the past as I kind of indirectly acquired some land there via another NFT game on the WAX blockchain called R-Planet. The Uplift World is a custom Minecraft server with the WAX blockchain integrated that enables playing to earn cryptocurrency and a number of other awesome additions. Again - I don't have enough knowledge of the game itself to give much insight but check it out! Today, we're here to talk about the next Minecraft metaverse built on Polygon, though. NFT Worlds is a very similar concept - a Minecraft server with NFTs integrated as Land that can be bought and sold.

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It's limited to 10,000 land plots which a large majority of have sold. The floor price at the moment is over 9 ETH! That's pretty insane to be honest. Considering that the land I own in The Uplift Worlds is nearly worthless. Leave it to me to get the shitty one of the Minecraft metaverses in terms of prices. Oh well, I got it for free...

NFT Worlds is built with the Polygon blockchain for insanely low fees and instant transactions. Building this on Ethereum's mainnet would have just been an expensive disaster. Of course they have their very own native token $WRLD which can be transacted freely within the game with no transaction fees. Microsoft knew exactly what they were doing when they acquired Minecraft. The same could be said about them recently acquiring Activision. They're here to make a metric shit ton of money. The metaverse concept is something that a lot of major companies want to take advantage of, but Microsoft is in the perfect position here. They don't have to do much of anything really, just allow the server to run and rake in the profits. To my surprise, the interest in NFT Worlds is growing at a pretty insane rate just because of the Polygon name (I assume). The Uplift World hasn't really caught a lot of traction, even though it has been around a lot longer and is built on an arguably better blockchain, WAX. If I was rich and had 10 grand to throw around like it was nothing, I'd probably grab a piece of land just to hold it. There's really no telling where the prices of these land plots could go. What do you think?

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2 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin, Minecraft, Polygon, NFTs, Worlds, ...
