What are the manifestations of  anemia? Not only the face becomes worse, there are 4 cases

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Anemia is a relatively common disease. Most people with anemia are caused by iron deficiency in the body. When iron deficiency occurs, people easily affect the hemoglobin synthesis in the body, which causes the symptoms of anemia. Patients with anemia need to be conditioned in time to avoid exacerbation of the disease and trigger various complications.

Since the early symptoms of anemia are relatively insignificant and often overlooked, what are the symptoms of anemia? These symptoms may be anemia, let's find out what the symptoms are.

Pale face

The most common cause of anemia is poor facial expression. Patients with anemia suffer from decreased hemoglobin and poor blood circulation due to lack of oxygen in the body. As a result, their facial expressions, lips, and nail color have obvious whitening symptoms. If you find that your face is pale and that your lips and nails are pale, you should pay attention to it. It may be caused by anemia.

Easy to fatigue

People with anemia are prone to fatigue, and they can feel breathless after a little exercise. This kind of symptom will have a certain impact on health, especially it may cause palpitations, and more severe cases may cause chest tightness and dyspnea.

Abnormal nails

People with more severe anemia have obvious changes in their nails. For example, the nails become very fragile, and they are easy to break if they are not careful. If the nails are usually healthy and you suddenly find abnormal nails, you should consider the possibility of anemia.


Anemia is likely to cause insufficient oxygen in the body, but insufficient oxygen will affect gastric function, resulting in a loss of appetite and prone to constipation or diarrhea.

hard to swallow

People with anemia are prone to swallowing difficulties. When they eat, they always feel that there is something in their throat that is blocked and they cannot swallow. When such symptoms are found, attention should also be paid, which may be a manifestation of anemia.

Anemia can also cause some harm. When anemia is not treated in time, it can also lead to various diseases. Therefore, people with anemia should pay attention to diet conditioning, especially not eat some that have an impact on the body. food.

People with anemia are advised not to drink coffee. Caffeine can inhibit iron absorption. Excessive drinking of coffee can worsen the illness. In addition, try not to drink tea. Tea has an inhibitory effect on iron absorption. People with anemia have reduced hemoglobin synthesis due to lack of iron in their bodies. If they drink tea, they will worsen the symptoms of anemia.

Don't drink milk for patients with anemia, which may cause iron deficiency in the body. Eat less alkaline foods. Alkaline foods are not conducive to the absorption of iron. Patients with anemia may also have digestive disorders and eat less difficult to digest foods.

In fact, there are many symptoms of anemia. These symptoms are more common in life. Therefore, you should know more about the symptoms of anemia and treat anemia in a timely manner. Patients with anemia should pay attention to a reasonable diet and eat more nutritious foods for conditioning. Patients with anemia should avoid some contraindicated foods, so as not to aggravate the disease.

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