What are the dangers of sedentary? Reminder: sit for 6 hours a day, be careful of 6 diseases

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4 years ago

Today's young people hardly like sports. People who work must sit in the office every day to do their work. People who go to school also sit in the classroom or lie in bed every day. Prolonged lack of exercise can cause immunity Strength decreases and physical fitness becomes worse .

Studies have shown that sitting for a long time is likely to increase the chance of getting sick. So what harm will sitting for a long time cause?

Increase the risk of heart disease

Sitting for a long time will cause the blood flow of the person to slow down, and fatty acids in the body will be continuously deposited on the blood vessels. This will increase the viscosity of the blood, and prolonged time will lead to coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis. It is also possible Causes a sudden heart attack, with a mortality rate of up to 70%.

Causes hemorrhoids

Sitting for a long time can easily increase the pressure of the rectal veins of the body, while sitting for a long time will cause the pressure to gather in a certain area, which will cause the thin walls of venous veins around the rectum to slowly expand, and congestion will cause hemorrhoids. .

Memory decline

Sitting for a long time will cause the blood circulation to slow down, causing the blood to be unable to supply the brain normally, and the human brain will suffer memory loss due to damage. Without a normal blood supply, the brain will be greatly damaged.

muscles and bones are damaged

When sitting in a posture for a long time, people's lumbar discs and joints are in a state of rigidity, muscles will also become stiff, and they can feel soreness and pain when they move. When sitting for a long time without any movement, the blood is not smooth, and usually there is no movement. Long time will naturally lead to muscle relaxation, problems with muscles and bones, and many people will also have more serious conditions such as lower limb swelling.


Nowadays most women are office workers. Sitting in front of the computer for a long time and lack of exercise will cause women's dysmenorrhea to increase, causing problems with qi and blood circulation, and will also cause women's ovaries and fallopian tubes to malfunction Work can easily lead to chocolate cysts, which in turn can lead to infertility in women.

Cervical spondylosis

The head of a sedentary person is in a forward flexion position. At this time, the blood vessels in the neck will be oppressed, and the muscles in this part will be in a tense state. When the blood circulation is not smooth, the brain will not have enough blood. The amount of oxygen and oxygen caused problems in this part, and the cervical spine slowly became stiff.

By knowing how much harm long sitting can do to your body, you ca n’t always be busy with work, even when you are at work. After work, you can stand up and move around. Twisting to ensure that your body has been exercised, can also prevent various diseases.

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Written by
4 years ago


Estuve leyendo tu artículo y me parece que temas muy interesantes que analizar, el primero es que los jóvenes de la actualidad tienen poco interés en realizar actividad física, y que en muchos lugares las personas mantienen sedentarias, como lo es en el trabajo, el estar tanto tiempo sentado puede dar enfermedades como las cardiacas y la acumulación de grasas en el cuerpo.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh man, why did I read that? :) Ok, standing up now :)

$ 0.01
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your information

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3 years ago