A minor illness can lead to cancer? These 5 chronic diseases cannot be taken lightly

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The degree of harm of cancer is very high. Many cancers will pose a threat to human health during the development process. The five-year survival rate of patients with a higher degree of cancer may be very low. Therefore, there is a need to prevent cancer in a reasonable way to avoid threatening health after the emergence of cancer. In addition, some diseases should be treated in time, otherwise it may turn into cancer. So what chronic diseases are likely to turn into cancer?

Chronic atrophic gastritis

Some chronic diseases can lead to the emergence of cancer during the development process, especially chronic atrophic gastritis. If chronic atrophic gastritis is ignored, it may lead to the occurrence of gastric cancer during the continuous decline of gastric function. Therefore, we should pay attention to the signs of chronic atrophic gastritis. We should timely treat the decline of gastric function, improve gastric function, and restore health to prevent cancer.


Common hepatitis should be treated in time after the emergence of the virus. During the development of hepatitis, the effect of the virus will lead to impaired liver function. If hepatitis is not treated in time, it may turn into cirrhosis, and liver cancer will follow. Therefore, heeding the signs of liver disease, immediate treatment measures should be taken to control the development of the disease and restore the healthy state of the liver in a reasonable way to prevent hepatitis from turning into liver cancer and threatening health.

Lung nodules

Some chronic diseases will affect health, especially the appearance of lung nodules. Atypical adenoma-like hyperplasia in lung nodules may be a signal of precancerous lesions. This situation should be taken seriously immediately.

If lung nodules appear during the examination, the nature of the nodules and why they appear should be clear. If an enlarged lung nodule appears, it may be a signal of cancer, and the probability of turning into cancer is very high, and immediate treatment is required.

Adenomatous polyps

If adenomatous polyps appear, they should be treated immediately, because adenomatous polyps mostly appear in the digestive system. When adenomatous polyps appear in the intestine, they need to be paid great attention. The probability of adenomatous polyps turning into cancer during the development process will be very High, also known as precancerous lesions. Therefore, it is best to have this type of polyps removed immediately by surgery, otherwise the severe adenomatous polyps will also turn into cancer and threaten their health.

Breast cystic hyperplasia

The general appearance of breast cystic hyperplasia should be treated immediately. Many women have misunderstood that breast hyperplasia is physiological and does not require timely treatment. In fact, cystic hyperplasia of the breast is a special case.

But if you ignore the cystic hyperplasia of the breast, it may lead to breast cancer. Therefore, the phenomenon of breast cystic hyperplasia during the examination process should be treated in time to reduce the prevalence of cancer in a controlled manner, otherwise the breast cancer will affect the patient's life and health once it is formed.

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