How did you find out about the Cancer Dr in Lahore?

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3 years ago

How did you find out about the diagnosis? Can we say that your medical practice made it easier to accept it?

Six months passed from the moment of the first abdominal pains to the find cancer Dr in Lahore. I didn't think the symptoms could indicate stomach cancer - I was thirty-nine years old, a relatively early age for such a disease. However, studies have shown that I do not have gastritis or ulcers, earned on business trips, but poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in the third stage. Probably, hearing the diagnosis was somewhat more comfortable than for an ordinary patient. Nevertheless, as an oncologist surgeon, I faced the disease every day, although I never prepared myself for it. In the first seconds, a hot wave pierced the body, and tremor occurred. 

Is it easy to detect stomach cancer?

I am an oncologist surgeon. Currently, I run an oncology center based on a multidisciplinary clinic. The center is called the Pirogi Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St. Peters burg State University. I operate and advise. I think I have used more than two thousand people in my career. I also train clinical residents - these are doctors who have already received a diploma from the university.

It all started with the fact that I had stomach discomfort, pains on an empty stomach. I started taking certain medications and then went for a spectroscopy, which revealed a tumor. Then they took a biopsy, and a day later, I did a computed tomography for myself, according to which I realized that this was the third, advanced stage, that the situation was dire.

How to make life plans when you have cancer?

I had the opportunity to choose an option: from doing nothing (I know that statistics are sometimes quite pessimistic in my situation) to the most challenging treatment. I realized that if I chose surgery right away, my chances would be significantly diminished. If I decide on a staged treatment option, I will have the maximum number of opportunities to defeat this disease. First, it is chemotherapy, and then, possibly, consideration of the issue of surgical treatment.

After I found out the diagnosis, I already understood what I would do next within two days. I cut four task blocks for myself.

Problems with the treatment of Cancer Dr in Lahore, or why a media portal is needed

When I got the idea to create a media portal, my colleagues and I realized that this idea could be well developed by taking advantage of my situation. I'm an unusual person now, so it will be easier to hear me.

First of all, I will try to do my best to change doctors' attitudes towards patients and patients' attitudes towards doctors. According to the latest polls, more than 40% of patients believe that cancer Dr in Lahore are to blame for not providing quality medical care. They immediately blame the doctors. There is a persecution of doctors: the Investigative Committee starts many cases, we are practically defenseless, and surgeons are the most vulnerable caste in this environment because a surgeon cannot but have complications. There can be no lethal outcomes, and those who are seriously involved in surgery understand this. 

Can we say that your medical practice made it easier to accept it?

The Urinalysis case (the trial of a hematologist who was sentenced to two years in prison, which sparked protests in the medical community. -  Ed.) everyone knows very well: when a real professional who did everything according to the standard was taken and put in jail. This situation needs to be changed.

Is it easy to continue working as an oncologist surgeon?

I recently had a complication that is very common with an aggressive chemotherapy regimen. This is antineutron, when white blood cells (in simple terms) disappear from the peripheral blood and develop only in the bone marrow. Any microbe and virus caught during this period can cause serious harm to the body since the immune system is significantly weakened. I had a fever, chills, and I lay at home for three days. It wasn't good. I took antibiotics, other drugs, and in three days, I managed to overcome this condition. 

At this point, an operative connection with the doctor is essential, and sometimes it requires hospitalization - if we are talking about an ordinary patient and not about an oncologist.

I did the last operation on the day when antineutron overtook me. After that, I decided to give up operational activity for a while, especially since over the past three weeks, I saw that my guys were operating independently - several times, I just stood behind them. They did everything reliably. 

But I will remain a mentor, mentor, administrator, assistant. I continue to consult - only today, there were three or four patients. I do not tell the patients about my situation, there is no need for this, but I think it's okay if they find out.

Chronicle of Hope. Cancer Oncologist Blogs About Fighting Disease

The doctor did not give up and is fighting the disease, and at the same time, he created an Internet blog, where he describes the treatment process in detail. For 3.5 million cancer Dr in Lahore, this is no less important than medical care.

 Why keep an Internet diary of the fight against the disease?

- On the third day, after finding out the diagnosis, I decided to start a diary. For most patients, a cancer diagnosis means the end of life. This is a chronic disease, from which you can either be cured or live fully for some time - raise children, work, travel. I know patients who have lived more than a dozen years after the diagnosis. My blog aims to convey this idea to people and make the difficult path of cancer patients a little less complicated.

- Why didn't you go abroad for treatment?

- I decided to undergo treatment in my native St. Peters burg. The idea of ​​leaving to be treated by Western colleagues did not arise. It cannot be denied that oncologists have achieved impressive results in developed countries. There are types of cancers that are really better treated there. But tumors of the gastrointestinal tract can be just as well cured at home - where walls help, and friends support. ( Friends and colleagues supported Andrei, not only professionally. When, after a course of chemotherapy, he had to shave off his hair, his colleagues, classmates, and even some mentors - eminent St. Peters burg oncologists - were shaved as a sign of support. 

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3 years ago
