Diet: Comparison of Healthy and Junk Food

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2 years ago

According to nutritionists, Diet is everything in a person’s life. Consumption of a healthy diet is important for a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, the world is facing a serious problem with junk and healthy food. So, it is important to distinguish between healthy and junk food for a better lifestyle. Healthy food contains food items that are rich in nutrition and ultimately helpful for the health of individuals. Junk food contains food items which are less nutritional value as well as high amounts of fats, calories, and sugar. There are many aspects in which both foods such as junk and healthy food compared such as energy, nutrition value, healthy lifestyle, cost effectiveness, taste, and many more ways.

· Energy

The first and main aspect that I will discuss is energy. Healthy food provides the appropriate amount of energy to the body that helps us enough energy all day without feeling fatigued. There are different types of food that have a high amount of nutritional value and contain high energy such as fresh fruits, green vegetables, honey, milk, yogurt, raw nuts, and sprouts. Healthy food contains the antioxidants that shield our body from free radicals, these free radicals are the cause of cancer. In contrast, junk food items are high in fat, sugar, and calories which give the person low energy.

· Health lifestyle

The second most important aspect is a healthy lifestyle. Consumption of healthy food lowers the risk of health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and different type of cancer. A study published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition" in December 2013 showed that the consumption of fast food leads to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, by increasing the level of sugar such as triglyceride. One more study, published in May 2012 in "Obesity Surgery," represents that a person who eats junk food on daily basis leads to risk the obesity. The healthy food contains the fiber, it helps from overeating and releases energy to keep the stomach full ultimately high fiber food help to reduce gastrointestinal tract problems, and also controls your cholesterol and sugar levels.

· Cost Comparison:

The last aspect is the cost comparison. Dairy products and fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and meat are costly as compared to junk food.

· User Consumption

The user consumption of junk and healthy food, a study showed that about 92% of individuals prefer junk food items but only 8% of individuals choose healthy food in their daily life. Some people avoid healthy food due to its taste, they prefer the spicy and crunchy junk food such as pizza, and cheeseburgers, rather than fresh fruit and vegetables.


After mentioning the differences between junk food and healthy food, it is concluded in a nutshell that the people know the advantages and disadvantages of both types of food but they never try to avoid the junk food. No doubt, healthy food is far better than unhealthy food because it provides calories and nutrition which makes your immune system strong.

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Avatar for bushurr786
2 years ago


Exactly. We will try to avoid it for our better health.👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I ate junk food a lot, I know all the pros & cons, but still can't resist, I'll try to avoid

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2 years ago