Following the resignation of Richard Lambkin as Head of Coaching, we are now seeking applicants for this position which will commence in April 2021. The position comes with a 3 year tenure, reporting to the Director of Sport and working with the Executive Council to establish a coaching programme for our members and existing coaches.
The successful applicant will also form part of the National Council and help to continue to develop the best possible services for our members.”
Roles and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Director of Sport Development, the Head of Coaching will lead the department/function of “Coaching and Education” with responsibility for but not limited to the following items:
Recruit, train, and develop a team of people to support and deliver the objectives of the Coaching and Education Department ;
Ownership of the ‘Coaching and Education Strategy’, to include all coaching and education activities, with responsibility for all coaches and instructors. Working within the BTBA equal opportunity policy ensuring access for any person to develop as a player or a coach;
Direct responsibility for the higher-level coaching activities through a committee of senior coaches including, Team England Coaches, all of whom will have reporting lines directly to the Head of Coaching, who will then agree structure, strategy, and application processes with relevant budget holders ;
Develop a roadmap for the education of people who wish to participate in coaching in England and manage all coaching qualification and awards ;
Develop and manage new coaching initiatives/seminars/workshops, to include ETBF and IBF qualifications where applicable ;
Identify and develop funding opportunities for coach education ;
Ownership and development of all coach education resource material, working with the Communications Manager, to develop publications relating to coaching ;
Contribute to the overall effectiveness of the National Council in order to ensure that the BTBA meets its overall objectives ;
Manage, develop and review the coaching budget and strategies ;
Manage and maintain the relationship, business and coaching opportunities with the education committee of the European Tenpin Bowling Federation
Click here to download the application form (MS Word)
Please complete and return this form by email to
Thank you,
Lisa John
Chairman & Director of Membership Services
The British Tenpin Bowling Association