needs a graphical logo
This tweet by Naomi Brockwell (pic below - and see links to her content below) rubbed it in my face that seems to lack a graphical logo!
See all those other services whose recognizable logos are there? needs to get in on that logo goodness! is such a great site.
I think we ought to put our heads together to suggest ideas, or crowd-fund for a logo competition. Dear readers, what are your views on this?
Asking everyone, but of course the great folks at are the ones who get to decide, and they might already be working on something for this. They might not even want or need our input. But maybe they do?
Below are links where you can find Naomi's content (my way of atoning for using her tweet pic). I hope these serve as inspiration for other content creators who are looking for more decentralized and censorship resistant platforms, in part to escape the current cancel wave happening on YT and other centralized big content sites.
This question popped up a few times and currently we see it quite fitting - we have a text logo for a site, where there should be a lot of text :) So, for us it's not a big priority, but we're open for suggestions :) Thanks!