Bryan Divisions - The Secret [Studio Performance]

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4 years ago

'The Secret' is a song written about gratitude, the true secret to a beautiful and amazing life. When we give gratitude and appreciation for life, we see its true beauty and are given the gift of fulfillment.

The secret to life
Take what's unconscious and bring it to light
Let go of the trauma we carry inside
Follow your highest excitement till you reach the vibrance
Of passions that make you alive
Set all your sights on your dreams and ambitions
Follow through with your one of a kind vision
Giving all your energy not to your enemies
But to the ones who support your mission
Start lifting yourself through the pain
Doubts and the fears will just drive you insane
Keep steady moving even through the rain
Persevere through it and gain
Allow gratitude into every cell
And transform to a heaven where there was a hell
Now it's time that you yell from the mountaintops
You will never stop, cause now you have this story to tell
The tree of knowledge is inside you and me
We can harvest these thoughts and feelings like they're seeds
Intentionally, we take action and see
That our lives will be shaped into our destinies
So spread your light to humanity
Cause not sharing your gift is a calamity
We need each other for sanity
If a loving world is what we plan to see

The secret to life, is letting it be
Like attracts like, so focus your mentality
Take action to set your spirit free
Divine visions, create your reality
And appreciate all that you have
Give gratitude for the moment and don't let it pass
When you feel abundance not lack
Life will pay any price that will you ask
The secret to life
The secret to life, the secret to life
Is letting to be
Just letting it be, just letting it be
The secret to life
The secret to life, the secret to life
Is letting to be
Just letting it be

[Verse 2]
Yeah, give from your heart cause you're infinite
Speak your whole truth as you're living it, you've been gifted with
A uniqueness that is different
Do you not see your magnificence?
Keep persisting with
Growing, expanding, and asking demanding
For more understanding, cause life will then hand it
To your awareness, no more impairment
The mirror reflection of you will be staring
Right back at you through the gifts that you give
All symbolic of the life that you choose to live
Remember the days you were frightened and hid
But the truth of your spirit inspired a shift
Now you truly understand your own source
Feel it emanating out each and every pore
Cause your energy is stored and you'll never need more
When life gives you wings it's time to soar

The secret to life, is letting it be
Like attracts like, so focus your mentality
Take action to set your spirit free
Divine visions, create your reality
And appreciate all that you have
Give gratitude for the moment and don't let it pass
When you feel abundance not lack
Life will pay any price that will you ask
The secret to life
The secret to life, the secret to life
Is letting to be
Just letting it be, just letting it be
The secret to life
The secret to life, the secret to life
Is letting to be
Just letting it be

[Verse 3]
Yeah live in the present, cause life's biggest lesson
Is keeping you testing, so be in attendance
It's not always pleasant, but stick with remembering
Who you are and all the vibes you have been sending
We're never-ending so stay on your journey
Keep your mind discerning, and choose with truth
Inside the flames burning, our souls always learning
To answer the question 'who are you?'
And now we know why we are her
Let's get into gear, and change how this planet appears
Not acting on subconscious fears, a new atmosphere
Because this world is getting near
An entire new state of society
Where we all try to be light, and let go of the weight
I feel it inside of me know that it's time to be
Awakened to an Earth that we must create, yeah


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Avatar for bryandivisions
4 years ago


wow nice song. i think you are bee a good singer.

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4 years ago