Modafinil for Focus

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2 years ago

The drug modafinil was developed to treat narcolepsy (excessive sleeping). Modafinil with Armodafinil is a drug that belongs in the category of medicine which everyone can buy similar as to buy nootropics online. It is widely used off-licence as a ‘smart drug’ to promote cognitive enhancement, where qualities such as alertness and concentration are desired to assist someone with, for example, exam preparation.


Modafinil has been shown to promote wakefulness. In addition, some studies suggest the drug can improve cognitive function. These results suggest that Modafinil’s memory effects are more selective than amphetamine or cocaine, and specific to hippocampus-dependent memory.


Modalert (Modafinil) is a central stimulant chemically related to adrafinil. It is used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcoleptic syndrome, obstructive sleep apnoea, and shift-work sleep disorder. In addition, it is very popular as a study drug (nootropic) and for other off-label uses such as ADHD, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and even weight loss.

Dosage and administration

In the treatment of narcoleptic syndrome or obstructive sleep apnoea, Modafinil is given orally in a dose of 200 to 400 mg daily, in two divided doses, in the morning and at midday, or as a single dose in the morning. To treat a shift-work sleep disorder, the daily dose is 200 mg taken as a single dose 1 hour before starting work. An initial dose of 100 mg daily should be used in the elderly and adjusted as necessary.

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