Polygon/MATIC faucet list with notes

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Avatar for borkerson
2 years ago

I originally posted this on publish0x:


Jacalf has already listed 3 faucets here:


Here are some additional faucets:

https://faucet.firebird.finance/ -- Like https://matic.supply/, the firebird finance faucet will only release your .001 MATIC after you connect your wallet to it. First, click on the button next to "I am human" to solve the Captcha. Once you do, the faucet app will check for both the amount of MATIC you already have in your wallet, and to see how many times you've received MATIC from ANY faucet in 24 hours. If your wallet does not meet either of these qualifications, you will receive a message letting you know. This also applies to a faucet I found today at https://faucet.pearzap.com.

The second faucet on this list is one i found today, and is located at https://www.polydex.fi/. Once you connect your wallet to this site, a button containing the word "PolyFaucet" will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. After clicking on it and solving the Captcha, you'll receive .002 MATIC (and possibly some PLX? According to the website you're supposed to receive a PLX airdrop, but it seems like i haven't yet gotten it.) This may only be a one time faucet, or there is a time limit for receiving more MATIC, like most of the other faucets. If you click on the PolyFaucet button again, a message appears saying that your account has been "greylisted" without giving any more information. In the Polydex "DOCS" section, under "MATIC faucet at Polydex" they inform us that, like the other faucets, "You cannot claim $MATIC if your wallet already claimed or have sufficient Matic for gas fee." The problem with this often-seen statement is that "sufficient MATIC" is contingent upon the gas fee, the amount of which depends on a number of factors, which i may get into in another post.

Finally, there's https://polycrystal.finance/faucet, where, after you connect, if you have over .0001 MATIC in your wallet, the faucet button on the left side of the screen will tell you "You have enough MATIC already!" Pretty specious statement if you ask me! You usually can't get away with paying that much gas for a transaction on the Polycrystal site itself, unfortunately. Anyway, if you have less than .0001 MATIC in your wallet, once you click the button, you'll receive .0001 MATIC. If you do it too many times though, I'm pretty sure the site blacklists your account. I say this because a couple weeks ago, i was trying to deposit a liquidity pool token in one of their pools or something on Adamant.finance and kept having insufficient funds for the gas fees required for any transaction. After rejecting or failing multiple transactions, and repeatedly having some of that gas subtracted from my wallet, i kept going to the fountain for .0001 MATIC. After a while, I received the error message "Something went wrong" and I still get this message when i try to claim from the faucet a couple weeks later. Seems like an intentional setting, rather than an issue where the faucet might be "broken".

Okay, that's all the MATIC faucet info i have for now. If there's anything you'd like to add, especially faucet locations you haven't seen listed on this site, please do so in the comments below!

$ 0.00
Avatar for borkerson
2 years ago
