How can you earn money on TikTok?

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4 years ago

If you want tiktok's way of making money, you must first know the genes of this company. This is a Chinese company. Titiok actually has a Chinese name called douyin(抖音). After the great success in China, douyin copied his business model to the world and began to succeed. Users in China have made a lot of profitable ways of douyin(抖音). 2017-2018 is the prime time for these players. They earned a lot of money, and now tiktok is in such a bonus period. As far as I know, the method of making money by douyin is divided into 3 kinds. The first way is to take some very attractive product videos and then direct traffic to the shopping mall. This is a very profitable and simple way. Some products are naturally suitable for platforms like tiktok for drainage, and the Conversion rate is very high, these products are characterized by novelty, or product sales in the plot. However, for most individual players, they can bring huge profits through simple product demonstrations. You can find a lot of products in China's douyin app.I think this method should be the best fit for this problem, because it is done by the Chinese, it can be copied directly and then to make money.

There are also some people who choose to become influencer, but most of the influencer of the short video platform can't compare with the platform like youtube. The fan loyalty is very low, but they can still make ads to make money.

The third is the most profitable gameplay. Large merchants sell their products by advertising Through the official advertisements or cooperate with influencer, the quality of advertisements for such products is usually high and the conversion rate is high, and advertising costs are relatively low compared to Traditional social media search engine advertising. During the whole period of 2018-2019, the return on investment ratio is very high. Now tiktok is working Try to open a shopping cart, then it will go the same way as it did on douyin.

Making money on TikTok isn’t easy… meaning, you won’t get instantly famous with one video. It’ll take some work but if you do it right, you can have some really good success and make money.

Build Your Brand

First, decide what the topic of your channel is. You need a theme. This will make it easier, later on, for sponsors to get your brand. Come up with a brand/style that’s all your own and then dedicate your channel to that brand. You must be consistent with that brand and don’t stray from it.

Your brand should be fun and unique. If you watch TikTok enough, you understand what a brand is. You see people who do the same kind of thing all the time and when you see a video from them, that is what you expect.

Make sure your brand is marketable. Make sure there are products which relate to your brand. Are there items on Amazon, for example, that go with what you’re doing? That’s a good test.

Hashtag Research

Find top ranking hashtags/keywords that relate to your brand, then consistently use them in all your video posts. This is super important because people who are interested in certain hashtags will see more of those posts, so they will see your posts.

Remember a Call to Action

If you ask people to like your video, you’ll get more likes. You will, so do it every time.

Don’t Wait to Get to 10k or 100k Followers

There’s no need to wait to monetize your channel when you finally become a huge influencer. There are plenty of ways to start making money before then. You can use a site like to get people to pay you to advertise for them. Another is where you sign up and then get paid for each follower of yours that signs up.

You can also become an affiliate, like on Amazon and have links to products that will help your audience. Having a simple website with simple links will help so that you can refer to your website and those links easily.

Above All, Be Creative and WORK!

Make your brand fun and creative. Do something nobody else is doing. Make sure it’s something YOU like to do or else you’ll get bored and not do it anymore.

As long as you’re putting thought and effort into your content (videos) to make them the best they can be, just believe the cream will rise to the top and you’ll do well. Even when you have 10 videos posted and they aren’t doing well, keep going. It might take a while to get that one, breakout video that goes viral. When that happens, people will notice the other videos you have posted and they will follow you. So all that work WILL pay off - just keep going! :-)

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Avatar for blaza
Written by
4 years ago


I am subscribe please view me and subscrib..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ok,will do that

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A ja sam se pitala kako ljudi zaradjuju tamo. Ovo je isto kao i youtube. Hvala ti, nisam znala da se ovako radi..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Da, ovo je još jedan od načina moguće zarade.

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4 years ago