Announcing Bitcoin Cash Node v25.0.0

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1 year ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash

November 30, 2022

Release announcement: Bitcoin Cash Node v25.0.0

The Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) project is pleased to announce its major release version 25.0.0.

This release implements the May 15, 2023 network upgrade.

It delivers four Cash Improvement Proposals that are consensus changes:

  • CHIP-2021-01 Restrict Transaction Version (v1.0)

  • CHIP-2021-01 Minimum Transaction Size (v0.4)

  • CHIP-2022-02 CashTokens (v2.2.1)

  • CHIP-2022-05 P2SH32 (v1.5.1)

and a number of other enhancements, bugfixes and performance improvements.

BCHN users should consider an update prior to May 15, 2023 as mandatory. The v24.x.0 software will expire on May 15, 2023, and will start to warn of the need to update ahead of time, from April 15, 2023 onward.

For the full release notes, please visit:

Executables and source code for supported platforms are available at the above link, or via the download page on our project website at

For more information about the May 15, 2023 network upgrade, visit

We hope you enjoy our latest release and invite you to join us to improve Bitcoin Cash.


The Bitcoin Cash Node team.

$ 19.48
$ 11.43 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 7.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @Pantera
Avatar for bitcoincashnode
Written by
This user is who they claim to be.
We have manually verified this user via some other channel.
1 year ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash


Well done. This is a huge release! Hopefully the Ubuntu PPA package will release soon as well. I'm using that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago