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2 years ago

I dialed your number till 4 pm and it was closed. The message sent the day after tomorrow has not been delivered yet. I check the message after a while. I know this message will fail like any other message. I have not had any contact with you for 3 years now. Today, your number is also closed for three years.

You wouldn't sleep at night without talking to me. You would feel uncomfortable if you didn't look for me all day. If you didn't say love a thousand times, your anger wouldn't break and your mind wouldn't be good. Now none of this touches you. I know I will never do it again. I have surrounded you with a thousand of your worlds. And you are the only one in my world; You are the one who is far away now.

All I know is that it will be hard to live without you. And I also believe that we must live; Without you Our love story is written by your own hand. Like a play, each scene is arranged by your own hands. So you didn't have a problem hiding yourself with a very nice finish. And I'm still standing like a failed actor in the last episode of the drama.

Written By binancechanged

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2 years ago
