Tips to make you believe in yourself in the face of syndromes

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When you receive a compliment about something you do well, do you usually say it's no big deal and believe that others can do the same job better than you?

If you have ever felt exaggerated, unable to own your personal accomplishments and feared that at some point in your life you will be seen for who you really are, that your mask will fall, I want you to know that you are not alone.

According to one study, 70% of professionals feel like imposters in their workplace. Another study reveals that 75% of female managers have experienced this syndrome at some point in their careers. Now that you know about imposter syndrome, the next step is to overcome it and start believing in yourself with the tips I will share in this article.

Many people experience imposter syndrome from time to time. It's a terrible feeling and something that holds people back. If you are one of them, don't worry because nothing is immutable! The following tips will help you keep that little voice in your head in check and overcome this self-doubt.

Deal with problems head on, so if you put off what you feel the syndrome is doing, it can hurt you. So if you're working on something and you encounter challenges along the way, it's best to deal with them in a timely manner. Dealing with problems at a later time can backfire and make you feel bad about yourself. The best way to do this is to tackle difficult tasks instead of putting them aside. That way you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and feel less inadequate.

Don't let your emotions cloud your logic. Stop letting your emotions cloud your logic and start seeing things from a more objective perspective. It's not the right way to carry these crazy and unproductive ideas and habits. They are emotional in nature and driven by negative emotions.

In times of doubt and anxiety, it may be better to objectively evaluate the good and the bad of your past performances. Doing so and focusing on the facts can help you make balanced decisions, think and act better.

Write down and track your achievements. Writing down and tracking your past achievements is a great way to remind yourself of what you have accomplished so far. It's time to pat yourself on the back, give yourself more credit and be your biggest supporter. Training your brain to focus on your successes is much better than focusing on what went wrong.

Have a strong support system. Having a strong support system is everything. When feelings about lack of self-worth and dishonesty arise, it's nice to have people around you that you can lean on for support. Family, friends and trusted mentors or coaches can fill this role. These people will make you feel safe and lift you up when you feel low.

Remember, you are good enough!

These are just some tips to beat the syndrome. Although overcoming this self-defeating cycle is not easy and by no means can be done overnight, I want you to know that it is possible.

You are good enough and worthy enough and you deserve to feel happy. You are not defined by your negative thoughts and you deserve the best of everything. You are worthy!

If you wish, you can also watch these videos I made on this topic until we meet in the next post...

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