Cryptocurrency: The Advantages of Teaching it in Schools

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2 years ago
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Disclaimer: Before reading please be advised that this article contains opinion(s) that some people might find offensive. It’s a take against Critical Race Theory (CRT). And although it’s just a small part of the whole article, it might still offend some people. So if you’re a supporter of Critical Race Theory and don’t want to hear people say bad thing about CRT, I suggest that you stop reading.

Should Cryptocurrency Be Taught In Schools?

Short answer: Yes! Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!

Okay, I’m kidding. But yes, I believe that cryptocurrencies (and the blockchain) should be taught in school. And here’s why.

Cryptocurrency is slowly but steadily becoming mainstream, and it’ll only be a matter of time before everyone and their grandmothers started using cryptocurrencies to pay for goods and services. It’s inevitable. It’s the future.

Which begs the question; why is cryptocurrency not being taught in school yet? Okay, maybe that’s not correct either. There are universities like Stanford that offers course in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies but most of those universities do not consider cryptocurrency courses a full program.

In other words, it’s not enough.

What I really want to see though is for cryptocurrencies to be taught as a mainstream subject similar to Math and Science. Of course I’m not saying that we should just shove everything about cryptocurrencies to the students’ throats and expect them to learn everything in one fell swoop.

No. We need to be systematic about it and teach our children the ins and outs of cryptocurrencies. For example, in the elementary level we could teach the basics of cryptocurrencies. Then as they to step to higher level of education we could teach them the more advance ones. It’s similar to teaching elementary students basic mathematics, and then teaching them algebra and calculus once they step into high school and college.

I might be being bias here considering that I’m a big fan of cryptocurrencies. But I really do believe that cryptocurrencies could help our children prepare for the future. I mean if Critical Race Theory (CRT) is being taught in school, why not teach them about cryptocurrencies and the technology behind it, the blockchain?

In my opinion, it’s more practical, useful, and could actually open new opportunities for our children. Not to mention it won’t make them hate themselves. Also, since learning institutions in countries like Nigeria plan on accepting cryptocurrencies as payment for school fees (Google it), why not go all out and teach about cryptocurrencies in all levels?

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Advantages of Educating Our Children on Cryptocurrencies

As mentioned above: Cryptocurrency is the future. And in order to prepare for that (inevitable) future, we must first educate ourselves and our children on cryptocurrency. Now teaching our children about cryptocurrencies is well and good. But we must also tell them why learning about cryptocurrencies is beneficial for their future.

Well then… Here are some of the advantages of learning about cryptocurrency.

It’s the Future – Yes, I know that I’ve been repeating myself over and over again. But for such an important point, saying (or writing) it just once is not enough. Also, I’m aware that this could be considered more of a reason why we should learn about cryptocurrency instead of an advantage but I always see it as one so please do get off my back!

Cryptocurrency is indeed the future and no one could escape from it. Even the governments around the world are aware of this fact (although they won’t admit to it). For example, China created their Digital Yuan because they know that cryptocurrency will one day become mainstream. It was for the same reason that the US, and India are pushing for their own digital currency – which mean the earlier our children learn about cryptocurrencies the more advantageous it will be for them.

More Opportunities – Being a blockchain developer is a very sought after and lucrative job even in the stage that cryptocurrency has yet to become mainstream. So just imagine how many opportunities would open to developers once cryptocurrency finally do become mainstream. Of course being a developer isn’t the only option for our children. They could also become traders, entrepreneurs or even teachers that will educate the new generation about cryptocurrencies. In all honestly, the sky is the limit when it comes to cryptocurrency.

The Cure to Ignorance – There’s a saying that ignorance is bliss but this does not apply to cryptocurrency. If you dabble on cryptocurrency and knew nothing about it then you’re pretty much screwed. Vultures are everywhere in the crypto-space. And these vultures would do anything to scam you out of your hard earned money. Unfortunately, expect scams to get worse once cryptocurrencies become mainstream; it’s a dark side of cryptocurrencies that we couldn’t truly avoid. The only way to protect ourselves from these vultures is to arm ourselves and our children with knowledge about cryptocurrencies

Honestly there are more advantages in learning about cryptocurrencies than what I've written in this article but I decided to just list what I believed to be the greatest benefits of studying cryptocurrencies.


In Conclusion...

Cryptocurrency, and the technology behind it, the blockchain is very complex, and no one could really say that they’re expert on the subject (except perhaps, for its inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto). And it was for this reason that even the experts on the field must constantly educate themselves.

Of course this applies double for us little folks that knew very little about cryptocurrencies to begin with. Even if we don’t study about cryptocurrencies for the purpose of landing lucrative job in the blockchain industry (although that’s always an option), we still need to educate ourselves about it to prevent falling victim to countless vultures (scammers) that roam the crypto-space.

And since there’s almost no disadvantage in doing so (except more school works for our children), why not just go all out and make it a mandatory subject in our education system. After all we already have Computer Science and Information Technology (IT) which could be expanded upon for the studies of the blockchain technology.

So what do you think? Do you agree with my opinion? Or maybe you disagree? Whatever your opinion might be please write it in the comment section. And if you have any criticism, please do write it as well as I’m always open to criticism.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.     



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