Chinese new year is coming, I started to having room cleaning session as my room just too messy.
When cleaning and rearrange everything, I am always find out a lot of things that store too long and did not know I still have those things in my place. Lol. So it took some times for me to arrange everything and throw all rubbish.
But one things that most significant is some badge and sticker that have great sentimental value.
This is the item that I got.. if you recognizr them all, that's mean you are the real steemian and hivean.
The first is all @ecency whale design sticker. Yes, I forgot their initial name when they launch in steemit but now they are called @ecency. This is the most cool project back then because steemian can post through apps and not only website. Appreciate what they did all the time.
>這些就是 @ecency 鯨魚設計的帖子。對不起我真的忘記他們起初的名字,但是他們現在就是命名了ecency。他們也就是在steemit起初只能用網站寫文章,然而他們創造了apps來讓用戶更順利,方便寫文章。真的很感謝他們的付出因為沒有他們就沒有今天的便利。
This is some of the most classic badge for some projects that happened in steemit back few years ago. #teammalaysia is having their own badge too. If you are steemian, I believe you can name every badges here.
All these sticker is even more classic especially steemfest sticker for 2018. I believe people that attend the event is having the great memory there.
I very happy to see again all these stuff and I thought it already went missing. Thanks to simon that giving me all these back in few years ago. This is still a great memory..
haha.. I actually didn't have that. I only got the coingecko ones. Gone were the days Steemit was stable. Now it doesn't look like it is.