Welcoming 2022 with my first Hive power-up and new resolution for the year

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Avatar for bala41288
2 years ago

I see a lot of posts shared by people welcoming 2022. I'm glad to do the same too. I have done my first power up today and I'm going to be writing about that. I have also thought of a few resolutions where one being a primary one and I'm going to be talking about that too in today's article. I don't usually celebrate New Year and it is just another day to me. However new year for us is somewhere during the month of April. But just because it is globally accepted as a new year, let me go with the flow. Happy new year to all my friends who are celebrating it! Wish you all more good luck, health, and prosperity this year.

Hive power-up day

Yesterday I shared my stats from last year. I was able to get some decent payout from the chain and I have used that to invest in other projects too. I have some dreams to have a good crypto portfolio and also enough funds in my real life so that I can become financially independent and start living a meaningful life. Every month the first day is celebrated as Hive power-up day. People who would like to grow their stake on this platform power up Hive on this particular day and grow their Hive Power.

I was fortunate to power up 100 Hive today. My stake is now a little over 27k Hive power. I'm glad that I was able to reach 27k Hive power which was my goal, without any additional power-up. I have to also admit that the last month of the year was amazing on Hive. I got huge rewards from writing as well as curation. Thanks to my curators and also to Hive price which was pretty stable.

Over 800 USD per day is pretty huge for author rewards and close to 300 USD from curation rewards is also good. I guess at this rate, I might earn more than my day job here from blogging and curation. Considering the price of Hive, I believe reaching 50k Hive power before the end of next year would be a good goal to set. The main reason is that I also would like to invest in HBD as well because of the stable 12% income I can get from HBD.

My resolutions for the year

Goals and resolutions are very important for a healthy life. It will help us keep going in our life. At the same time, we shouldn't spoil our health too. Many people say that this is the right time for me to earn enough so that I can have a peaceful life afterward. I don't know if I will ever be able to stop working permanently.

The more I work to earn money, I spoil my health so much. I'm glad that there was an indication or warning given to me in 2021. It is still hard to change my lifestyle but I'm definitely going to be doing that in 2022. So, that will be my first and primary resolution for the year. Let's go ahead and see what other resolutions I have.

  • Take good care of my health and improve my sleep quality.

  • Diversify my crypto portfolio.

  • Come up with my game on Hive.

  • Spend more time with family.

  • Create some good travel memories

  • Write more technical blogs

If I keep writing, I guess I will keep going without stopping. I have so many goals in my mind to do but I guess I have to take things a bit slow. Hopefully, the above goals will make a lot more sense for the new year and hopefully, I can do well.

Posted UsingĀ LeoFinanceĀ Beta

$ 3.87
$ 3.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @foryoubtc09
$ 0.01 from @Plint
Avatar for bala41288
2 years ago


I would like to take a more active role in the Hive community in 2022, which I joined at the end of 2021, but in some articles there recently, it is mentioned that it is difficult for beginners to be successful compared to old ones. I don't know if that's really demotivating, but I guess time will tell.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was wondering how do you get those 30 day overviews? Would like to be able to see those about my own account as well

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can get that here


$ 0.01
2 years ago

Awesome! Thanks a bunch!

$ 0.00
2 years ago