How to not get stuck in our current job

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2 months ago

This month is the appraisal month in my day job and we have to provide some data points to the leader for them to evaluate. It is a tedious process but at the same time an exciting one because we get a chance to evaluate ourselves. As always I used to tell to my team members that we have to make sure our resume gets a good update once in 6 months so that we can understand where we stand.

Getting stuck in the same job for several years is not bad. But at the same time based on the current trend, if we are stuck in the same job for several years especially if the Industry is IT and we don't see any growth, it is not good. The competition is heavy and today even the freshers are coming out with many more skills than experienced individuals.

Career change is not scary

People stick to the same job for several years not only because they are comfortable there but it is also because they are scared to switch jobs or change career. We have to understand that career change is not a scary thing. We know the temperature of the water only if we keep our toes on that. If we don't dip our toes, we will not know if the water is suitable for bathing or not. Giving career change a try is not a scary thing.


Money shouldn't be our only wish

Sometimes we think that money is the biggest reason we should explore opportunities. But sometimes we might end up in the wrong place looking for money. The place we are already in might be the best already but to earn more or think that we can earn more, we might end up loosing our best place and stuck somewhere we don't belong.

Continuous learning and continuous growth

Learning is something that shouldn't stop at all. With the help of continuous learning, we can compete with the ever-growing and ever-changing world. Even if we are stuck in the same job for years, if there are enough avenues available for learning, nobody should be there to stop our growth. We can implement what we learned and start taking initiative in the same organization.


Be bold to negotiate

Sometimes we may not get everything easily. We have to ask people to get it. A manager knows if a candidate is deserving or not but at the end of the day there has to be a check so that not all the subordinates are rewarded. It can be a time when the individual who needs good recognition might have to present the data points in front of the manager and negotiate things. This is something that happens in all the companies and we have to be very bold to present the data points and negotiation. With negotiation, we can achieve so many things.

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Avatar for bala41288
2 months ago


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