Happiness is staying in a village and having a peaceful life

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1 year ago
Topics: Hive blockchain, Hive, Life, Village, POSH, ...

Last week I had a nice vacation. I had to attend an event and I was away from my laptop for at least a week. I did not even spend even a single minute online for a few days. It was indeed a great experience. I personally thought it would be really hard to stay away from mobile phones and laptops. But then this vacation proved to me that it is definitely possible as long as nothing breaks out really.

If given a chance I'm sure I would be willing to get settled in a village and just one condition is that I might need an internet facility. Without the internet, it may not be easy to live in remote places because humans are after all social beings.


What makes villages special?

Living in a city, I have too much exposure to all the sophistication and in some places, it is even hard to find a tree nearby. We are fully enclosed by lots of concrete structures. This is not the case in villages. This is what I think makes villages special. People who are irritated by noise pollution and other pollution we have in city life would agree with what I'm saying here. In addition to that socializing is also very easy in Villages because there will be very less people to interact with and most of the people would be innocent and helpful.

I'm not sure about the village situation in other countries but at least in India, we have a lot of good and positive people in the villages who are really helpful. Some people want to move to city life but only if they move to a city life they will know the value of village life. I had a colleague joining my team a few months back and she was from a town/village. This was her first exposure to city life and she is finding it really hard to adapt to this city life. People who live this life might find it very comfortable but only when we step out of our comfort zone and try to live a peaceful life in the village, we will know how good it is.


Challenges in Village life

I know I have talked enough about the advantages of Village life but it will be good only if I also talk about the challenges we may face. The first and most important thing is the medical facility. Most of the villages are in remote places and they don't really have many people who would need medical facilities. There are not enough hospitals available if there is an emergency. This is one of the biggest fear when people really want to move to village life after retirement.

The perspective of the people already living in the village life is that they don't really need any medical treatments. If they live in a peaceful environment with happy minds and healthy surroundings, they say that they don't get any diseases or medical conditions. I'm able to agree too because my grandmother and grand father, though they did not live in a village environment did not have a need to go to the doctor during their early days. Only after they get old and live in city life without a proper routine, they had the need.

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Avatar for bala41288
1 year ago
Topics: Hive blockchain, Hive, Life, Village, POSH, ...
