Challenges of Solar and Wind generators

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2 months ago

One of the biggest challenge that Solar and Wind power generation face is the fact that energy can be produced only when the sun shines or when the wind blows. If there is not enough sun or if there is not enough wind, power generation is not possible. Apart from these two major challenges, there are also other challenges when it comes to renewable energy generation. Though these innovations are good, we currently don't have any great facilities to store the power that we generate.

Using a continuously operating grid

Someone dreamed of converting this entire earth to a conductor and we can then harness energy from the earth directly making it like a big battery or energy storage grid. But I'm not sure if that is even a possibility. But one thing that can be possible is to have a continuous grid connected. If we can connect the entire world with cables under the ocean surface, it should even be possible to transmit power from one place to another through an underground facility.


If we can generate an enormous amount of energy from one part of the earth that has enough light and use it on the other part of the earth that has lost its light for the day, it will be a great thing. It will then be like the internet where one big web connects the entire earth and shares data. Similarly, we should be able to have one big power grid where energy is generated and sent to the grid, and energy is used by the other part of the world. I don't know if it can be a reality but there is no harm in dreaming such a thing.

Better storage facility

Currently, batteries are the biggest things that need a lot of innovation. We can store the charges in the form of batteries but in the last few decades, batteries have not seen any big innovations. We are finding it hard to reduce the size of the batteries and at the same time, we are also unable to make batteries out of abundant materials instead of non-renewable resources.


Lithium plays a very important role when it comes to batteries. There are also other batteries like lead batteries but the efficiency of the batteries will have to be improved a lot so that it can become sustainable for our future needs. We also need batteries that don't burst out if there is a fault. They say that Lithium ferro phosphate batteries don't burn but instead smoke when there is a problem but we still need good innovation in that area.

When it comes to solar and wind generation, storage has been a problem and innovations like aluminium-based batteries and Sodium Ion batteries should be explored so that they become a good innovation and we can easily rely on abundant materials then resources that are hard to get. This will also reduce the cost to a greater extent and we don't have to worry about the storage of charges anymore.

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2 months ago
