Can you lift a Buffalo?

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1 week ago

If I ask this question directly to someone the straightforward answer would be "No". This is not a surprise. The size of a buffalo is huge and nobody can imagine lifting it. But the surprising factor is when I say we can lift a Buffalos if we equip ourselves to that with practice. This motivation strongly implies that nothing is impossible in our lives. All we have to do is have some more focus on what we want to achieve and we can achieve that.

Let's get back to the Buffalo analogy

If you are someone watching the birth of a Buffalo, on the very first day we can easily lift a buffalo calf. If we make it a practice to lift the buffalo every single day as it grows, there will be one fine day when the buffalo would have grown very big and because of the daily practice, we can lift the buffalo easily because we have been doing it since day one. Every day's practice is what gives us this strength and there is no magic or anything in this. It is just a practice and someone who is used to this every day will find it very casual to lift a buffalo.


This was told to me when I was a child. When someone was talking about focus and daily practice, this example was given. The story was more like someone who takes his baby calf for grazing every single day by lifting it in his hands. The kid was also growing and the buffalo was also growing. After a point the buffalo was huge and the man was also grown enough. It did not look very hard or odd to lift a buffalo for him as he was taking the buffalo for grazing by lifting it.

Never believe if someone tells you something is not possible

This is a very common thing and can happen to anyone. Before even we start something, we start to believe that it is not possible or it is a difficult thing to do. Whenever you hear something like that we have to remember this buffalo example. From the looks of it, it appears to be a hard task because buffalos are huge when we look at them and they are also heavy, but if we can keep practicing it every single day, it is a possibility because our strength is also growing day by day along with the growth of the buffalo.

We have to just find the right methods to do something. Maybe if we think like how the whole world thinks, tasks can be hard. But if we start thinking out of the box, there is always a solution for any problem and we will gradually start realizing that there is nothing impossible. With proper focus and path, we can achieve anything that is believed to be impossible. There are obstacles all the time throughout the life. Many people will try to stop us from doing something. We might stop our progress assuming that we cannot do it. But if we block all those barriers, we can do anything we want.

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1 week ago
