Meta and The New World with Metaverse
Hey my folks, now I am going to talk about metavers. It is the talk of the world because Facebook changed its company name to meta and announced that it would disburse US$10 billion this year to build metaverse.
What are the good and bad sides of metaverse and how should companies respond to the presence of this new kind of blockchain technology?
There is iron meta that only exists in the imagination of visionary entrepreneurs such as forced geber and his friends on Metaverse if it is actually realized it will have the potential to change the way we live our normal lives, socialize, work in business, enjoying personal life, everything including how capitalism works for metaverse companies, opens up there are endless possibilities to make various profits in ways that were previously unimaginable for creative industry players especially in the field of digital design and gaming.
This is a land of hope tha us wide open for you in metaverse, the originator and author of primary metals, defines a method as a vast network o three-dimensional virtual worlds that operate in real-time and persistently and support the continuity of the identity of objects of payment history and rights in which the world is experienced simultaneously by an unlimited number of confused users.
yes it is okay maybe this metaphorical definition from Facebook is easier to understand metaverse is a set of virtual money that you can earb and explore with other people who are not in the same physical space as you have, or you figured it out yet.
Okay, have you watched the Ready Player one movie? It was made by Steven Spielberg. I know that's metavere movie and if you haven't watched it yet, now you have to do it.
I know that the popular Fortnite game right now. Okay, let's say Roblox, now, hahaha, you know that kid doesn't stop playing online games. Ah, Metaverse is like Roblox. You can live and interact with other Avatars in a virtual world but, the difference is that instead of you seeing the screen your gadget is metabolically played using a VR device that makes you really feel you are in the virtual world.
Another difference with Roblox is yes if the display and the design of the Roblox world is very simple, they Birds will be able to present a three-dimensional sound that resembles the real world, it could even be better.
I give a more concrete parable. Imagine if suddenly a new planet was discovered not far from Earth, the beauty that we can find on that planet only can be limited by our imagination only and all humans whoever they can live on that planet then big companies like Facebook are vying to control as much land in his newly discovered world, and on top of that they are building a dream city where anyone can be whatever he wants to be able to do things they can't do on earth partnering with many development companies.
They build more public facilities there are malls there are offices where school recreation and then sell land shanties, apartment houses and also office space, they present the latest technology and the concept of a world that is so stunning, all in order to attract as many people as possible to want to live in the dream city they created, metal Birds is more or less like that, the only difference is that the planets and cities aare virtual in the virtual world that we can access via kyak devices.
Even though the worth experience you experience in the virtual world it is Real Time and permanent the same as our lives today everything we used to do in the real world, we can do there even more including doing business and a career to make money in the metaverse.
You can buy land house, clothes, car or digital art and get a legal certificate of ownership of those digital assets, your assetid, that item will always be there and will still see you as long as you don't sell it to other people buy it then the price of your item can be high in value in the market.
Why is Facebook so eager to build it first partly because metaverse is a cool idea partly because metal is jostling into a new unlimited field to make as much money as possible same purefoy.
A 27 year old PSD years from Columbia University men left his job at Golden lawfully to pursue his fortune by playing a video game called Infinity action, it is an online game based on Chen's blog that uses Christ's money as a medium of exchange, multiple play virus-free must buy three monsters that are said to exist for 500 dollars then exist belongs to Juve this will pitted against the existence of other players with battle capital in the Pokemon game. The winner will get smooth love potions that can be used to breed existence, the more often you win, the more existence that is successfully born.
More revolution ants or it can be sold to other players for approximately 150S dollars in practice. Now this is where the economy with a 500 dollar model on WiFi can breed a lot of existing and sold with doubled profits. People like puref on this is certainly smart They want to make as much money as possible while knowing the rules themselves, so they start hiring other players who don't have the capital to play on their behalf Apart from that they also give capital to other players in return for sharing the results for every win they get that way the amount of wealth that can be amassed Empire voice becomes unlimited.
Now this is the economy of metaverse in an infinite world wealth becomes unlimited in this technology. You can buy or rent land build anything on it and earn money from it, you can create virtual museums and charge fees from any visitors who come or you can also build a mall and collect commissions from every sale that occurs in your virtual mall, you can even put a billboard on the wall of your building and rent it out to brands that want to advertise.
The question is, does anyone want an answer? yes, that's really true and it's happening now and try to imagine it. When billions of people have filled the metaverse like Facebook which now contains almost 3 billion people, the price of land that you own in that metaverse will definitely soar and the billboards that are installed on the walls of your virtual mall.
Yes it will be a fighter for big brands Cuanto all of that content you are cited. And you can also sell a virtual house design service in a metaphorical way then collaborate with a programmer to build the house for your client or you want to be Iron. You can build a car factory metaphorically and then sell those digital cars to the people who live there.
If you are, for example, a car manufacturer in the real world, you can make a digital version of your car and then sell it on the net first, this technology is attached to every car. Digital assets are metabolized ensuring that the assets are unique. Your work has value and the products can be traded who will get the most profit in the metaphor here.
The answer is clear yes the landlords and entrepreneurs who entered early like those who bought Bitcoin 10 years ago are now rich and when the metaverse is getting more mecure and players -The more new players fulfill the quota, the more economic inequality will occur, hundreds of housands of people will try to open a business there and the landlords will also set a stall rental price which can be unreasonable.
Millions of job seekers hope to become employees at the big company in the world. Reviewing many new people and friends while job vacancies are limited, dimensions far exceed supply, job seekers are forced to accept offers with low salaries, partners are forced to accept a small profit share, the rich people get richer, the poorer accept it, who will benefit the most from all of that, of course, Metaverse builds the world who mad all of this possible.
The Facebook became memory and as a phrase that is often said in a Casino the house always with capitalism has worked perfectly in a community managed by a just leader, the rules of the game will be made to build the common good that can improve the welfare of all Its typical member Unfortunately Facebook, like other boredomers, it is an engine of capitalism, its only goal is to make maximum profit for the shareholders, so other rules will always side with the landlords not the citizens of course.
They are smart to play the rules are made and presented in such a way that it looks side with the citizens. Business players are getting here the better.
They are at doing that they are good at playing with our egos to provoke the desire to offer pleasure that is difficult for us to get in the real world, right? We tip our wallets to them, invite them to take their contents regularly so that they continue to quench their hip-hop thirst.
Okay maybe I'm exaggerating this is describing the bondage of capitalism that can occur in metaverse, so that it's balanced.
Let's look at the metaverse from a different point of view. For some people, metaverse is a convensiobal social media libertarian lije Youtube and its friends. It allows everyone to act and carry out economic activities without any intervention and the manipulation from the government. They see Metal Birdswhich will most likely run on blogchem technology and cryptocurrencies will be able to create a free market, which in fact everything returns to a pure market mechanism that they believe will provide true justice for all economic actors.
Cameron's ex-Prime Minister of England once said I believe in open markets and free companies are the best imaginable forces for enhancing human well-being and happiness they are the engines of progress generating effort and innovation that lift people out of poverty and give people opportunities when working well open markets and free enterprise can really promote morality in the number dance metaverse will encourage free trade where fair competition will be created everyone is treated equally and only high quality products can win there anyone including small companies can become God of land in this new world too.
They enter early and position themselves well just like before when entrepreneurs from developed countries sailed to explore the oceans to find new continents they then controlled the lands that were there They also became rich Even though in their original countries they could be nothing then companies. But companies that have big visions like Facebook will definitely try to get in first.
So they can control the biggest land and become rulers in the new world. That's what makes Facebook dare to invest heavily in the construction of this metaverse because that's where the future of capitalism is. Metaverse takes a while before it actually becomes a reality but not a few companies that have started stealing the start so that later they can gain profits in the new world.
One of which is the original Indonesian company Wir group, Gwhich is commanded by Michael Budi, currently the were group in collaboration with Singapore company myrepublic. They create various virtual spaces from marketplaces to museums along with Avatars for users to use in their actions and transactions in the metaverse.
Infact, we don't have to wait for metabolism to become a reality. Even now, we have seen our children grow more and more. They spent time playing in the virtual world with friends from various countries instead of playing with the neighbor's children in the house complex.
Not only that, some of us also feel happier living on social media timelines than in our real life everyday watching YouTube. It seems metaverse is coming sooner than we thought.
Ironically while the world is moving fast towards the future. There are still many companies living in the past. They keep convincine themselves that their business will be fine and at the end of the year like this, they are busy putting together future plans based on past historical data. They insist on holding the National Work Meeting offline because even after 2 years of beer they still don't feel comfortable using zoom, and the most futuristic topic of discussion in that meeting is how we can use social media to promote our products.
I hope this writing is useful for you, don't forget to follow me.
See you next time.
**Image from
I'm following the metaverse story closely, actually. There is more and more news of developments there every day. Just this past weekend there was the story of a wedding in the metaverse, and I am guessing there is so much more to come. And yes, I have imagined that it would be something like Ready Player One. Funny thing that that the movie came out well ahead of this craze. It's almost a case of life imitating art.