7 natural substances to treat bad breath, including parsley

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4 years ago

Cases of bad breath differ, including transit, including chronic, and there are many reasons behind bad breath, and fortunately there are solutions.

In this report, the French magazine "Samantras" displays information about and treatment of bad breath.

The magazine said that bacteria in the mouth in lime and on the surface of the tongue secrete what are known as "volatile sulfur compounds" that give off the scent of food residues. Research indicates that 60% of cases are bad breath caused by gingivitis, and nearly half of the Earth's population will be exposed at least once during their lifetime.

She added that the lack of hygiene is the second most important cause of this problem (by 20%), along with tooth decay. As for the less common cases, their source is mouth abscess, similar to problems in the nose, tonsils, or sinuses, some types of cancer, diseases of the digestive system, and diabetes.

If bad breath is caused by eating a kind of food such as onion, or a temporary problem with brushing teeth, tight cleaning may be sufficient to remove the bad breath.

Dentists stress the importance of using a toothbrush at least twice a day, and the use of dental floss to ensure that no food residues present between teeth are converted to an accumulation that creates an unpleasant odor. If the tongue is covered with a white layer, this means that bacteria and debris residue have settled on its rough surface.

The magazine said that stress exacerbates bad breath, as during feelings of tension or when we have strong feelings, the brain sends information that prevents the production of saliva, causing dry mouth that leads to the multiplication of bacteria groups.

It may also be the cause of this dehydration to take some medications, including antidepressants. This is in addition to that smoking is a factor in dry mouth, especially during a cigarette withdrawal while drinking coffee.

7 items

The magazine mentioned seven articles that repel the bad smell, namely:

Parsley should be consumed raw or used in mouthwash, mixed with boiling water and ground cloves.

- Thyme, coriander, and cardamom, due to their anti-bacterial properties, especially if bad breath stems from a problem with digestion.

Cumin and mint

Men suffer more

The magazine said that men suffer more than bad breath compared to women, and it has nothing to do with hormones, but cleanliness. Moreover, as men get older they are not interested in oral hygiene.

And the French Dental Association previously reported that "the phenomenon of bad breath increases with age", although on average the brushing process takes only 66 seconds, while doctors recommend two minutes.

The magazine emphasized that in the morning it is advisable to drink a glass of water before the start of the day, because when we sleep we do not chew, and thus we produce a little saliva and swallow less, and saliva is what cleans the mouth of bacteria called "anaerobic", which develops in the mouth with the absence of oxygen.

"Volatile sulfur compounds" and unpleasant odors in the mouth disappear after waking up after drinking a glass of water, eating breakfast and brushing teeth.

It should be noted that the bad breath that emits in the morning during our waking sleep is a purely physiological condition, such as that which appears when your stomach is empty or when you are talking for a long time without interruption.

Mouth odor measurement

The magazine said that the most obvious way to diagnose bad breath for a dentist, is to preview the smell of exhaled air leaving the patient's mouth. But there are other methods, such as careful analysis of gases emitted with exhalation, that enable the distinction between volatile sulfur compounds from other gases, but it is a complex and costly method.

And a person who suffers from bad breath does not realize this often, especially since the sense of smell has become used to the smell very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to inform the person who smells foul of his mouth about it, but to use polite terms because it is somewhat embarrassing.


The magazine stated that the toothpaste we know appeared at the end of the twentieth century. But the first recipes for mouthwashing date back to the days of the ancient Egyptians who used a mixture of salt, pepper, mint leaves and iris flowers. During the same period, Hippocrates suggested that young women rub their teeth with fennel seeds and anise. As for the Romans, they were chewing the stems of some plants.

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4 years ago
