Tirana, Albania

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3 years ago

Tirana is the main city of Albania its economical, industrial, commercial and cultural centre. The city is also the administrative centre of Tirana district.

Tirana was founded by the Turks in 1614, and had the name of Teheran, it became the capital in 1920.

Tirana is situated in a valley at the foot of mountain Daiti. For the past 400 years the city combined Turkish, Italian and Soviet Union architecture and can offer the tourists many historical values and vivid night life.

From the moment of its foundation the city developed fast due to its favorable position in between trade routes. The city was always the centre of the struggle between Albanians and the Turks. During World War II Tirana was occupied by the Italians up to 1944 when it was taken over by the German troops. After Tirana’s liberation, in 1946 the people’s democratic government moved here and the people’s republic of Albania was pronounced. In the next decades many industrial and cultural institutes were built in the city with the help and support of the Soviet Union.

What to see in Tirana?

The square itself is called after the national hero – Skendeberg – and is built in the style of classicism. The city hall, parliament, government, bank of Albania are situated on the square as well as the main historical places.

Here you can see the monument of Skendeberg who was the leader of the Albanian revolt against the Turkish conquerors. The mosque of Efem Bay is also here on the square, it played a huge role in the revival of the religious freedom of Albania. The mosque was built in 1789-1823. Also a place of interest is the clock tower, built in 1822. It wasn’t high at first, but after 100 years the citizens of Tirana decided to raise it and nowadays its 35 m high with a German clock on it.

Visit the National Historical Museum, where you can find the ancient hall, the hall of iconography, the hall of the Albanian anti-fascism, the Albanian Renaissance, the Albanian independence, ethnographic hall. The cathedral of Saint Paul is worth seeing – it is the biggest catholic cathedral in Albania, built in 2001 in post-modern style. It doesn’t look a bit like a traditional catholic church. There are many parks and botanical gardens in Tirana. You can take the cable railway up the Daiti mountain and enjoy a lovely view from 1612 m above sea level.

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3 years ago


Ђурађ Кастриот био је борац против османских освајача и исламизације, српског порекла, којег су Албанци присвојили као свог националног хероја.

Према Гибону, Ђурђева породица Кастриот(ић)а води порекло од старог српског братства Браниловића (Бранила) из Зете. Скендербегов деда, Павле Кастриотић, доселио се у Јањину у Епиру као српски кефалија. Скендербегов отац, Иван Кастриот, био је кнез Епира, који је држао Мат, Кроју, Мирдиту и Дибер. Његова мајка, Војислава, била је принцеза такође српског порекла , ћерка Гргура Бранковића и унука чувеног српског витеза Вука Бранковића. Неке мање поуздане анализе стављају је у породицу Трибалда, пореклом из Старе Србије. Иван Кастриот је био међу првима који се супротставио упадима Бајазита I, међутим, његов отпор није имао никакав значајан ефекат. Султан га је натерао да плаћа данак, а да би осигурао верност племића тих крајева, Турци су одвели Ђурђа заједно са његовом браћом као таоце.

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3 years ago