The sea that symbolizes freedom

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Written by
1 year ago
Date: 19 August 2022

Two-thirds of the earth that we stand on consists of a very large ocean. In the past, our ancestors were also people who devoted their lives to the ocean. That's why the ocean, waves, beaches are things that can never be separated from life. Even though our ancestors devoted their lives to the oceans, until now there are still many mysteries in the oceans that have not been solved. In addition, in today's modern era with so many advanced technologies, humans are only able to explore 5% of all the vast oceans on this earth.

In ancient times man did not know what was beyond the vast ocean. On land they struggle to survive, fighting over territory and shelter. Lots of violence that occurs that makes human life miserable. Lots of oppression is done by the strongest to oppress the weak for power.


It was then that the weak humans ran until they found an ocean. They continue to stare across the ocean while thinking what is on the other side, is there freedom there.

It was this curiosity and freedom that pushed our ancestors away from the violence and oppression that existed on land and eventually sailed the seas. They continue to seek freedom without any more violence on the other side.

But who would have thought that this ocean is indeed very wide and of course it is not easy to navigate this ocean.

After struggling hard, they finally found a new land and they were able to settle there. Even so, the land they found also already had an inhabitant. And what happens of course they keep fighting and fighting for power.

And finally they sailed the sea again and found land again and finally fought again. This means that we live indeed destined to fight. Fight against the violence and oppression experienced by the weak people.

We struggle until we think that only the ocean can give us freedom. Because the greatest power is the sea with water that is very abundant there. It is better to be tossed about in the ocean and see birds flying freely over the sea without worrying that they will be hunted.

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Written by
1 year ago


at this moment, at this moment I want to go to the sea, and scream as loud as possible so that the burden on my head goes away and comes off without a burden.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ah that's one of the ways we usually use to relieve stress in our minds haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago