The beauty of the peak of Sikunir in the land above the clouds of Dieng

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1 year ago
Date: 28 september 2022 

In the Sejajar District of the Wonosobo Regency of Central Java, at a height of 2,306 MDPL, lies a hilltop known as Sikunir Hill Peak. Sembungan hamlet, one of the highest communities on the island of Java, is located at that altitude.

I left Cilacap, the city where I currently reside. My friends and I traveled to the summit of the Sikunir hill to take in the breathtaking view of the nation above the clouds. We finally arrived at the first halt after a roughly four-hour motorbike ride through one of the neighborhoods in the adjacent sub-district to change into warm clothing before climbing Sikunir hill.

After getting ready, one of the tour guides there directed my companions and I to board the shuttle van and continue the trip to the summit of Sikunir hill. We finally reached the Sikunir hill's base after 45 minutes of driving, where we stopped to rest for a while before proceeding to the top.

At 03.30 WIB, after taking a short nap, we hurried up to the top of Sikunir Hill, which was 800 meters away, to witness the golden sunrise and take in the expansive view of the nation above the clouds. We had to use illumination and take precautions as we ascended because it was dark and the hiking track was bordered on the right and left by cliffs and ravines.

We finally reached the summit of the Sikunir hill after approximately 30 minutes of hiking, where we rested and awaited the sunrise that would be visible from the top of the Sikunir hill in the east. While we waited for the sun to rise, the 13C air temperature at the summit of the Sikunir hill did not dampen our spirits. My companions and I are astounded by the beauty that is displayed before our eyes as the sun rises in the east from the pinnacle of the Sikunir hill, where we can see the sea of oceans of clouds while the sun is still shyly rising.

In addition to a panoramic view of the sea, clouds, and sky, when we watched the sunrise, Sikunir Hill's surrounding range of mountains, including Mount Sindoro, Sumbing, Merapi, and Merbabu, came into view. The scenery that is displayed makes us appreciative of the natural beauty that the creator has provided.

After spending a few hours admiring the view and taking pictures on the Sikunir hill, we hurriedly descended to enjoy some Dieng specialties served by neighborhood vendors as we made our way to the foothills of Sikunir, including Carica candied fruit, Dieng traditional potatoes, Ongklok noodles, and one serving of satay, which is a filling alternative to searching for Golden Sunrise Sikunir Dieng.

One of the most popular natural landmarks in Dieng, Central Java, that is frequently visited by visitors is the summit of Sikunir hill. The trek was rather exhausting, but it was well worth it because of how chilly the air was and how stunning and unforgettable the scenery was. We felt at home and wished to return there because of the range of distinctive culinary features and the warm locals and business owners.

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Written by
1 year ago


The way you narrate it makes me wanna go there too taking pictures and let my jaw drop with such a beautiful place.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You will feel at home if you feel the vibe in this place

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1 year ago