Problems are a lesson for us

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Solution, Leason, Sharing
Date: 9 september 2022

In life on this earth, all living things must always have problems in their respective lives. We as humans will never be separated from a problem from our daily lives.

But you waste the problems you are experiencing as life lessons for the future to be better.

Especially for young people who are in the phase towards adulthood, they will be more susceptible to problems in their lives. Not only that, they tend to get frustrated with the problems they face and choose to run away.

Even though from these problems they can learn to think about finding solutions or ways out of the problem without having to choose to run away.


If the problem is serious, we can share what we are going through to our parents, siblings, or friends who you think are more mature than us. That way we can listen to input from people we think are more mature and we can conclude after hearing the solution.

Well, from the problems we face, little by little we will learn to be more mature. Of course, to become an adult is not measured by age, but by the experience and mentality we have. Many small children who are only 20 years old he is more mature than older people. It could be that the 20-year-old child goes through more problems in his life and tries to solve these problems without having to run. Because of this the mentality of the child will be formed better than the child who is older than him but chooses to run from problems and does not want to learn from problems.

Apart from learning from our own problems, we can also learn from the mistakes of others. This is a better way of learning than us we learn from our own problems.

Pay attention if other people are experiencing problems in their lives, you can observe, learn how to solve them, and find out the cause of them having problems and we can try not to fall into problems like that person experienced.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Solution, Leason, Sharing


Yes that's true my friend. Based on my experiences, I learned from the problems I faced in life. A lot of lessons you can get.

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