Knowing how to appreciate life will make it beautiful

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1 year ago
Topics: Life

when we encounter a situation in which the reality we are experiencing conflicts with the ideals of our chosen way of life. What ought we to do? This query always comes up in life, particularly when a problem arises.

The following question is: Is life like a soap opera where the script has already been established and we, the main characters, are just required to follow it? Or do we actually live as beings who control our own fate, decide the direction of our own stories, and have the power to alter them? It's really challenging to respond to this using straightforward logic.

We frequently encounter situations in life that don't match the expectations we had when we wrote our life sketches. What should we do if that occurs? What happened was what should have happened, therefore, what is there to regret? Is how I usually try to think. I always have this thought process when I'm having an issue. I always believe that everything that has happened, whether it was good or horrible, should have happened. We will therefore be better equipped to handle that fate when presented with a terrible reality.

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However, based on my experience, it is really challenging to generate such ideas. Because it is obvious that we will all have regrets, feel sad, and experience other emotions when faced with the bitter reality, The idea that "what has happened is what should have happened, therefore what is there to be sad about?"

What comes to mind is quite challenging. It requires specific skills, which I believe everyone can possess with practice. I firmly believe that having that kind of thinking capability is crucial in life because those who have been successful in developing that kind of paradigm will be able to thrive in this world no matter what.

Those who can think in that way will undoubtedly be very resilient in the face of life's challenges.There will always be a "let it flow" attitude in life. He won't immediately give in to guilt if he makes a mistake in his life. He won't be burdened by his past blunders and will always plan ahead.

Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to properly integrate such a paradigm of thinking into my life, even while I was writing this post. It's really quite challenging to adopt that kind of paradigm of thinking, as I mentioned earlier. There must be sadness; perhaps this is just part of human nature. It's normal to feel confused, depressed, or disturbed in life. The most crucial factor, though, is how we resolve the issue after that. As a result, we shouldn't let our anxiety consume us. Life is too short to spend all of your time worrying about unimportant things.

When a downpour hits, life doesn't just consist of us waiting impassively for it to end. However, life is like the graceful dances we perform in the pouring rain.

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1 year ago
Topics: Life
