Is self-healing important?

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Healing, Happyness

Each person is the greatest bidder for himself in self-healing. The COVID-19 case has significantly altered the regulatory environment in almost every nation on earth, particularly in the area of education. Instead of relying on face-to-face instruction, the system has been drastically changed to allow for online instruction. The Indonesian people face a huge issue because this legislation has the potential to boost both student and teacher autonomy in the classroom.

Not just in the area of education but also in the broadest sense, let alone the societal components that prompted the imposition of significant social constraints in each and every COVID-affected nation. Inviting "hopeful anxiety," the policy's implementation causes anxiety in the community, which, if it persists for a while, can also cause depression and stress. Individual psychological anomalies brought on by anxiety disorders can have negative effects on a person's health, including lowered immunity, which can interfere with the body's metabolic process. It could result in brand-new issues for human resources if left uncontrolled.

Motivational webinars on topics including how to moderate emotions, deal with overemotion, and deal with excessive worry were presented during the pandemic. This is carried out as part of the self-healing process.

What does self-healing mean?


From a psychological standpoint, self-healing is a healing process that only involves the individual in order to recover from the inner wounds that can be brought on by trauma to the situation and cause the individual to reject the reality that has occurred. It involves rising above the suffering that has been experienced.

The significance of self-healing is that it creates a positive aura within the person, making them more resilient to challenges, setbacks, and traumatic experiences in the past. We will see that life's difficulties can teach us lessons that no one else can teach us, so self-healing can also entail having faith in one's own abilities. To do that, it may be required to constantly recall the positive thinking axiom, "You don't think what you are, but you are what you believe," in order to boost our self-confidence.

Everyone experiences stress at varying levels and recovers in different ways. Some people can simply recover from their inner wounds over time, while others have a very tough time forgetting and forgiving the past. The following techniques can be used on their own as a type of self-healing:

  • Positivity-enhancing self-talk

Positive recommendations are the most effective defense against your own pessimism. You can do this by gently talking to yourself and telling yourself that you can handle this situation properly, strongly, and without regrets.

Everyone experiences stress at varying levels and recovers in different ways. Some people can simply recover from their inner wounds over time, while others have a very tough time forgetting and forgiving the past. The following techniques can be used on their own as a type of self-healing:

  • Positivity-enhancing self-talk

Positive recommendations are the most effective defense against your own pessimism. You can do this by gently talking to yourself and telling yourself that you can handle this situation properly, strongly, and without regrets.

  • Give it to yourself

You may also need "me time" as a reward for yourself when you set aside time to indulge in your interests. Me time also allows you to temporarily escape the bustle of your surroundings so you can gather your thoughts and decide what to do. executed next. Because of the circumstances, you might not have had time to take care of yourself, show yourself love, or otherwise cultivate pleasure.

  • Mindfulness

Thinking mindfully means being fully present. In other words, you concentrate on the current event. Next, accept reality without condemning or rejecting it.

  • Act indifferent

Being extremely stupid is another method of self-healing. Being extremely stupid toward one's own negative thoughts as well as toward other people's thoughts is another way to achieve inner peace. You can apply this self-healing technique while being well aware of the source of your pain. As time passes, you accept it, feel it, and finally let it go.

  • Allow yourself to be forgiven

The process of healing benefits greatly from forgiveness. You've been able to get rid of the worry, the hurt, and the anxiety that have been hurting you for a while by forgiving.

Keep a good attitude and continue to trust in yourself because you deserve it since you can lessen anxiety and prevent depression with some of these techniques.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Healing, Happyness


Thank you for sharing this friend. I learned a lot from this. Self healing is really important. Our life will be chaotic if we didn't totally healed that's why self healing is a must.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, that's the way it has to be, my friend, it's nice to be able to share

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend and thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Your welcome dear

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1 year ago