True Happiness Comes...

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Written by
3 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I am @aze25 here again with amazing writing. Maybe this must be the turning point of your life. Let's follow me

I hope all of you must have heard about Steve Job at least once in your life. He was the founder of the popular brand Apple. One of the most successful business man in the world and among the richest.

He died at age of 56 years by Pancreatic Cancer. While laying on the bed of death he spoke his last words which can change our perspective towards life.

He said that he changed the business sysment of the world, he became so successful and rich in life that most of us now wish to.

However, being so rich still, he cannot defeat the death. He died leaving behind all his wealth. He said I aside from work I have enjoyed very little. I was busy in establishing business.

No doubt he became successful and icon for new generation. But he has also given us a great message from the sick bed.

He said, you can hire someone to drive the car, you can hire someone to work for you, you can hire someone to do daily chores, but you cannot get anyone to face sickness for you.

You have to be sick, no matter how rich you are. You will be dead no matter how big business you established.

Death waits for none, it will come on time. There is this life you have to choose either you want to life it or pass it. Once it is lost you cannot find it.

As we came to the end of life line, we realises that the materialistic things doesn't matters at all. If we wear a watch of $20 or $2000, they both will tell the same time. No matter what car we drive, the distance remains the same. No matter where we live a mansion or a flat, the inner loneliness would be same.

You will understand that your inner happiness never comes from materialistic things. Instead they came from the family, friends, buddies, siblings, spouse, children.

That is where you can find your true happiness. In the arms and company of your loved ones.

Spend time with them no one knows how much time do we have left. Collect as many memories as you can, so when you are on your death bed, ou can smile remembering those beautiful moments. And you must be satisfied about Life.



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Written by
3 years ago


Indeed life is short, those who goes about pursuing material gain at the expense of their family will eventually find themselves pierced with many sorrows on the long run.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said. Materialistic things are just dilemma created mostly for lower-class people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said dear... Keep sharing more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you dear for supporting

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3 years ago


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3 years ago