Live the Moment

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3 years ago

Hello everyone,

How are you all? How was your day?

I was travelling yesterday and couldn't find any time to write down my thoughts for you people. And I am still busy since morning, but as of now I found an interesting image and wants to share my thoughts about that.

Some people are great at art and presents a very deep meaning in a very beautiful way. Look at the image below, what do you get from it? Source

Didn't get it? Let me explain it to you.

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes you have everything and sometimes you are broke.

There is a famous Newton's law,

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

This law not only tells us about physics reactions but also tells us about everyday's life.

If you hit the wall by hand, your hand will surely get hurt. If you hit someone he/she will hit you back. (Exceptions aside)

Same is the case with life, if we give good to others, most probably best will return to us.

Now coming back to our image, it shows two different types of people.

One who has everything in their lives but still complain and are not happy with it. On the other hand, the ones who have nothing or less but are still happy and enjoying every moment of life. I have seen people living in bungalows but aren't happy. And on the other hand, people living in tents are more full of life.

Why is that? Doesn't happiness come from wealth?

Happiness depends upon our attitude. We need to enjoy every moment of life, as we have it only once. Hardships are part of our lives. If we take these hardships as our training and enjoy these, we can conquer any battle we face in our lives. But if we take these as blockage, we will never cross these.

Now some of you might say, wealth is an important part.

I agree to that, it is important but it isn't necessary aspect of happiness. You can buy materialistic things with money such as car, house, gadgets, and so on. There is no guarantee that these things will make you happy if you aren't satisfied from inside.

A human being is a social animal. He loves to be with people, people whom he loves, people who loves him back unconditionally. Those are family, friends, buddies, with whom he feels his existence. Not around the people who are there for their benefits.

The main reason why we aren't happy is, we try to postpond happiness on future. For example, if we have an ocassion today, we will be worried about future and ruined the current moment.

The last message is, try to live simple life. Enjoy the life moments with whatever you have. Don't postpone your happiness on tomorrow, just forget about the future and enjoy.


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3 years ago
