Empty Vessels Sounds More

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Written by
3 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Good Morning to All!

How are you? How is your day going?

Here I am @aze25 again with another amazing talk. Before that, I will get you through an experiment, so that the message I am going to convey, can easily be understood. Follow me...

Take an empty steel vessel/pot and a steel spoon. The reason I am mentioning material is that you can differentiate results.

Now hit the vessel/pot with spoon, and hear the sound it creates. Remember the pith f that sound

Now, fill the pot with some material, maybe flour, water, sand etc. which ever is availbale easily. Hit again by spoon, and notice the sound.

You will be amazed to notice that the later sound has much lower pitch than the former one.

Now the question arises in your mind, why is it so? Why empty vessel sounds more?

It's because the sound waves travels in air, as the empty pot was filled with air the sound travelled easily, but when you filled it material, the air proportion droped so as the sound volume.

Now take a look at the picture below


The smile on your face tells me that you already got my point. But let me explain for those who haven't yet understood.

The picture depicts the same scenario as we have done in above experiment. The person who speaks more and listens less is more likely has nothing inspiring in mind. They are just speaking out loud, and most of it is useless.

On the other hand, a person with much knowledge doesn't argue more. They keep calm and quite and listen more then they speak. And when they tend to speak they make sure it's worth it.

Maybe some people says that we have seen people with knowledge arguing. That's true 5 fingers are not equal, exceptions can exist. But if the knowledge has right impact on people they will become more civilised and probably don't get into useless arguments.

This is all for now, Kindly subscribe me for more content, and share your views in comment section. I would to hear that


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Written by
3 years ago


Great association and comparison, quite rightly said.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for appreciation

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said. A wise man never talk much. ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah exactly dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right.... Don’t do anything like that... It's a poor personality...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am fine dear and you good morning have a good day

$ 0.00
3 years ago