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1 year ago

A teen age girl"Alizy" who passes her Pre medical.she had a aim to pass her medical test.She was striving day and night for it.Her parents motivated but sometimes they was degraded because some family members also degraded that she couldn't .She was weeping silently alone in room but not showing in front of her parents.She was trying to prove them wrong and wanna to give a bliss to her parents by passing an exam.Day by Day,she was gone in Anxiety and became weak and fragile.Her parents could not understood her situation.One month later in the evening, a door bell rang .she hurriedly ran to open the door. She was excited to see her father's friend (a doctor) who really close to heart 💓 of all family members.He came for 3 to 4 days.He always helped her father through thick and thin.therefore,all family members give respect and love to him.One day,at family gathering ,her parents and guest could not find her in gathering.Her father's friend was trying to find daughter but in vain.Suddenly,her father and his friend went to basement.they find that a girl engage in study and weeping with it.They was stunned and worried to see her.Ran towards her to ask 'what was reason behind it'.They force to tell them and asked for join a party but she nodded. After all,she ready to share all the matter.Guest diagnosed her condition that she went in Anxiety due to taunting behaviour of her family members.they demotivate her by different ways.There all family members wondered to listen her and embrassed.Her father realized that it done wrong. There all need to understood her daughter who worked day and night for success and was trying to win the success for her parents pride and pleasure.They all understood her situation.Passionately, Guest motivated her to beat every hurdle in her way. He said that you are future of your country.A country needs an intelligent girl.Dont waste yourself.Her eyes shinning with glimpses of pleasure.Her lost smile came back on lips after few months.Next month,she took her exam and passed.All family members wondered and her parents felt pride and hugged her.her father's friend came to give present 🎁 at her success.She thanked alot to her God.Then to guest for giving such motivated words.Now she was a success- ful doctor in New York city.Her all family members felt proud and never under estimated to any child.So,never underestimate yourself.

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1 year ago
