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1 year ago

A 1000 years back there was a famous king in northern part of Africa named Turan this king is not like ordinary kings in this world because of his generosity and the way of helping his poor people make him different from others kings, this because he used to give out all he had to support his people for that he became the most poor king at that era, which make others kingdom to downgrad him and look at his kingdom as nothing and they can conquer his kingdom at any time. when poverty was enough to him, he decided to go to meet with his witch doctor called Zufur

From city of PEACE to this soothsayer is a two-hour journey, the King Turan doesn't go that forest until the night parted and so he sneaked his body in dark to avoid been seeing by any one by dressing in different garment and walked alone on ground without riding a horse or camel.

It was two hours later that he arrived at the gate of the fortune teller Zufur It was built of pure wood on a very high plateau

When King Turan arrived to the front of the mountain, he stopped to think of the way to climb the mountain. Suddenly he saw the sorcerer appeared in his present smiling then he prostrated before King Turan and said, "Welcome to the King of Kings of the whole world. Let's go to my cave to talk my lord! Said by Zufur before the king say something it has happened.

They just appeared inside the cave of Zufur the cave was adorned with the skins of different wild animals and skulls etc ,At that moment, Zufur showed the king a soft mat and ordered him to sit on it.

Suddenly a lady appears in black she wored a silver necklaces and you can see how beautiful she look in that black gown she is holding a plate of gold which contains a bottle of wine and a golden cup, Since King Turan came to this world, he haven't see such a beautiful young woman even though King Turan promised that he will never get married but he just felt like if She'll say yes he'll . The maiden came before the king,with a cunning face, knelt down, and poured wine into a golden cup, king Turan opened his mouth to speak, but zufur signaled him to keep quiet,He said, "This is my only daughter in the world and there is nothing I want more than her. Leave her alone now let us focus the reason why you're here my lord! Zufur continue "Oh my noble king I already know why you are here and believe me your need will pay off if you succeed in getting what I'll ask you to find........

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1 year ago
