Despite its great importance, very little is being said about the work being carried out by the Cardano team in Africa, to put blockchain technology to practical use in this continent.
In the first place, they are dedicating their efforts to provide internet connectivity, to later grant “verifiable” digital identity to the population, equivalent to official documents. Through Atala Prism, (Cardano's self-sufficient identity and verification solution) they have managed to partner with the Ethiopian Ministry of Education, so that, through the country's universities, they make this technology available to some five million people.
As I indicated at the beginning of this post, I cannot understand that initiatives like this have so little repercussion in the different media. The work they are doing in Africa means putting Blockchain technology at the service of a part of the planet's population, breaking the barriers that prevent them from accessing countless services that for us can be trivial, such as banking (financing), education, access to interoperable payment platforms and e-commerce.