Get to know me!

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Hi. Hello. Kamusta.

I would like to tell you readers that I, nickname, Avie, would like to be friends with you all.

I'm a newbiee writer. Learning my way to words and sentences that I want you to understand. Its getting too formal. Hehe.

Anyways, like the tittle said, lets get to know me.

I want to play have you met Avie!


  • Avie is shy.

Yes! I am a shy person. That's why my words can be very confusing. I think before I talked.

  • Avie is simple.

Yes! I enjoyed simple things. If you have nothing or just a bottle of smiles. Then lets talk. If you have more, sure, I'll listen.

  • Avie is beautiful.

Haha. Of course. Like my mom and dad said. Hehe. Tho everyone is. I got some insecurities in myself that I dont show. Just be yourself.

  • Avie is productive.

This is a big NO. Im lazy LOL.

  • Avie loves movie.

Yes! Every genre. I can be at home allday just to watch them.

  • Avie loves to sing.

Yes! I love my singing voice. Ahaha. I'm not bragging. I just like that I hit some notes like my favorite singer do, Avril, too much? LOL

Okay. Back to reality. Haha.

  • Avie is thin.

Oh Yes! I'm thin never been thick. Ahaha. Since when I was a child. I never get fat. I'm too picky of what I eat. Do not like too sweet chocolate, I've prefer Dark Chocos. And when I eat dinner. 1 cup of rice is enough. I dont care if im still hungry. I'm just blessed I am eating a cup of rice.

  • Avie loves animals.

Yes. Especially dogs. Whenever I see an animal of everykind. I stop and look,and think what do you do like kind. Can we talk? I want to touch you. LOL

Maybe thats all. I do not know what do you want to know about me. If you can tell me in the comment, ill answer.

This is me btw.

$ 0.06
$ 0.06 from @Telesfor
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How old are you?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi. Thanks for the upvote. I'm now 31 years old.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

gusto ko yung line na avie is beautiful hehe tama lang sabihin yan dahil maganda naman lahat ng nilikha ng panginoon walang pangit .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tama po. Lahat tayo maganda at gwapo. 😍

$ 0.00
4 years ago