Didelphys Uterus

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MDA or Mullerian duct anomalies are congenital defect of a female genital that arise from abnormal embryological development. Other term is, your genital is not normal than other females have .


What is Didelphys Uterus?

Didelphy Uterus or double uterus, is a rare condition that occurs to female fetuses as they develop in the womb.

A Didelphys uterus is characterized by a complete failure of the Mullerian ducts to fuse leading to separate uterine cavities and two cervices. They are both funtioning uteri and some women with this condition is giving birth to twins who were each housed in a seperate uterus. This means it is possible to deliver babies several days or weeks apart, though many opt to scheduled cesarean sections.

Most women with Didelphys Uterus is asymptomatic. But some present with dyspareunia or dysmenorrhea. Also present may range from thin and easily displaced to thick and inelastic is A longitudinal vaginal septum.

When classifying these anomalies solely based on abnormal development, four major type are apparent:

  • Complete or partial failure of mullerian duct development

  • Incomplete reabsorption of uterine septum

  • Incomplete fusion of Mullerian ducts

  • Failure of ducts canalize

The fertility of women with untreated didelphys uterus has beem shown by some sources to be better than those with other Mullerian duct anomaly but still less than woman with normal anatomy. There is also an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, fetal growth retardation and prematurity of pregnancy. This indicates lower or poor reproductive performance.


The ability to conceive remain debatable issue as well.

The didelphys uterus is very rare Mullerian duct anomaly with varying reproductive and gestational outcomes in comparison to other more common abnormalities. There is insufficient data on surgical correction. However, excision of the vaginal septum is required if the patient is symptomatic. Didelphy uterus is not an indication for cesarian delivery unless the vaginal septum is thick and inelastic resulting to a vaginal dystocia. Cervical incompetence has not been shown to occur in conjuction with didelphys uterus.

The literature about didelphy uterus is quite limited at the present time. Therefore more studies are needed in order to better determine the reproductive and gestational outcomes, so clinicians can adequately advise and for their parents.

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women with this type of uterus when they become pregnant, they are recommended to have a more rigorous medical follow-up since they are prone to an abortion.

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4 years ago

It's really informative and I first read it here since Im not into any medical topics but this this is really good especially for women.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you. That's encouraging.

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4 years ago