A promise not to do it again

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1 year ago

Taking medication for some disease is like a promise to yourself not to do the same things over and over again.

A promise not to do those that have caused you pain. A promise not to do those things that made you sick.

It is a promise that from here on, you will be watchful with your diet. From here on, you will be more careful and you will take precautions.

Why in the first place did you not see what you were doing? It is impossible that you didn't know and that you weren't aware.

Only an idiot would believe you. But then we are our own greatest idiots. That's life.

People tell you to limit your intake of this and that. But you were stubborn.

They warned you to stay away from harmful habits yet you did things anyway.

And now? The result? You suffering from ailments that you would never imagine would affect you. That's life.

But you demand that no one will ostracize you. You start to get conscious when before you ignored those conscious feelings for the better. Now you become conscious just because you hate being picked on.

But then, whatever, you will make a promise to yourself to do better. And to be more conscious.

This is a checkpoint. And if things get better, hoping you won't go back to the old ways. But then, old habits die hard. That's life.

But what kind of a fool you will be when you take that as a reason to mess things up again.

What kind of stupidity would it be to consciously get back to the unhealthy ways.

No, I am not talking about other people. I am talking to myself.

The foolishness of a person like me. I wish I could get an ax and cut my foolishness. If that ever happens, maybe then I will be healthier.

We are in a world where freedom is abundant. We are free to change whatever bad habits we have had before.

We are free to choose good lifestyles if not the best.

We are free to trod the path toward health. Yet we choose to go downhill. We choose anguish over joy.

We choose a life full of colors and sweeteners. Yet we do not realize that a life without many condiments is a lot cheaper than we think. In addition, we become healthier.

Too bad, we don't learn fast. Too bad we don't take it more seriously. That's life.

Leaving it be a promise made to be broken. Pathetic.

True. We learn the hard way. But life is only lived once. Regrets coming after tragedy is no use.

We should then take our promises to ourselves seriously.

If we won't, who will? But that's life.

It is what life is all about indeed.

We fall hard, we can't get up. We try so hard. We promise again and again.

Eventually, we let life pass us. What a life it may have been. But if we only make it longer.

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1 year ago
