Let friends in read.cash to have a guess game,what function is this monitoring system be like?
Does it looks like the robot in starwars ? so make a guess what its function like?
Another angle of the monitoring system is like this:
Beside the monitoring system, there is this warning banner:
which states that it's not allowed to feed the pigeons, sometimes some residents like to take their convenience and throw the leftover food eg rice to downstairs, thinking not to waste the food but feed the birds and pigeons, but this make the environment dirtier with many ants and cockroaches.
But the monitoring system is not to monitor who throw the leftover food to feed the pigeons, but to monitor who is the culprit to do high rise littering. This is endangered the pedestrians walking downstairs and injured them if the litter is of heavy parts..
Did you make your guess correct?
Wow! That's so cool. I want this for my apartment building!