Blood donation reminder

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Avatar for auleo
Written by
4 years ago

 Today received a reminder SMS from the Singapore Blood bank, They are reminding that I am fit and eligible for next blood donation start this saturday!

While all this while I am thinking twice if want to try the apheresis. It will be the first time to try apheresis. Last blood donation, the blood bank nurse said I am not so suitable for it as vein size is not big enough, I really not so sure what does it mean, but will need to ask the blood bank doctor again during my next visit.

On the other hand, I would like to do some promotion here for my blog which specialises in blood bank donation around Singapore & Malaysia.

In the blog, I share about blood banks I visited for blood donations before and I also wrote it in various languages (English, Chinese & Malay) hoping to out reach more audiences to come forward for blood donation.

Fellow friends, if you found this meaningful, do help to share with friends whom is afraid of blood donation, I hope they could read the articles and take a look at the blood bank environment and surroundings , and next could minimise their fear in blood donation.

Visit for more about blood banks and blood donations stuff in Singapore and Malaysia !

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @technician
Avatar for auleo
Written by
4 years ago


Oh you are frequent blood donor ? Thanks for the kindness , i think this definitely inspire or encourage more people to step forward for the good deed!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

:D I am new here , so not much cents to support this article, please accept my humble 1 cent as appreciation.... Thanks for the efforts made..

$ 0.00
4 years ago