Nunca Antes del Cafe: Alas de Hada------Never Before Coffee: Fairy Wings

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1 year ago

Ella con mucho amor me dijo que escribía para mí, pero que no quería mostrarlo al público porque sus escritos eran un enredo. Yo he pensado como Max Brox el amigo de Kafka: Es mejor compartir tus palabras.

Alas de hada.

Me despisté, me distraje y no fui a la librería por donde debía, así que tuve que dar la vuelta entera a la plaza. Se me abrieron los ojos y la sonrisa, estaba ocurriendo lo inesperado. Todo lo que estaba viendo y lo que ocurriría, a partir de ese momento, no estaba previsto...sonreía, el día cambió de rumbo. Ese despiste de esta mañana, me ha traído hasta el sillón de enfrente de la ventana, solo por el placer de sentarme a mirar, el encaje de las cortinas volar, por encima de la mesita de centro, como dos alas de hada, trasparentes y gigantes.

She with a lot of love told me that she wrote for me, but that she didn't want to show it to the public because her writings were a mess. I've thought like Max Brox Kafka's friend: It's better to share your words.

Fairy wings.

I took my clothes off, got distracted and didn't go to bookstore where I should go, so I had to go all the way to square. My eyes and smile opened, the unexpected was happening. Everything I was seeing and what would happen, from that moment on, was not planned ... I was smiling, the day changed course. That dismissal this morning, has brought me to the armchair in front of the window, just for the pleasure of sitting and watching, the lace of the curtains fly, above the coffee table, like two fairy wings, transparent and giants

#pash #coffee #writer #love

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1 year ago
