Welcome to IBM Blockchain

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3 years ago

IBM Blockchain Services.
Blockchain consulting that turns strategy into business outcomes.

Work with the top-ranked blockchain services provider through every stage of your blockchain journey.

What makes IBM Blockchain Services a Leader?

Enterprises across industries and around the world turn to IBM Blockchain Services, where we’ve helped create 100+ networks producing value and changing the way businesses work together.

With more than 1,600 business consultants and technical experts – leaders in building blockchain for business from the ground up – we’ll help you address the three most critical design points in bringing a blockchain for business network to life: governance, business value and technology.

The IDC MarketScape Worldwide Blockchain Services 2020 Vendor Assessment reports that “IBM has the deepest experience, broadest geographic reach, and largest organizational commitment to blockchain across the vendors.”

Our foundation

Outcome-driven network design

At IBM Blockchain Services, we use design-based principles that enable business transformation at the level of markets, industries and ecosystems.

Governance design

Who owns the network? Who owns the data? Our consultants help you design an operational model for the members of your business network, delivering benefits that are fair, democratic, transparent and built to evolve.

Business value design

How does the network make money? The design of your blockchain network business model will include appropriate monetization and incentives to stimulate collaboration between members and generate network effects.

Technology design

How do blockchain’s benefits help people work smarter and better? We design human experiences to inspire mass adoption of new digital products and services, while assuring privacy, trust and security.

Why design matters

The most challenging part about building a blockchain for business network is the business part itself. Learn more about IBM’s industry-leading approach to building business networks.

Beyond the technology: Blockchain network design

Next step

Activation through a network design framework

With the consulting phase complete and your outcome-driven network design in place, IBM Blockchain Services then works with you and your network members to create a blueprint of actions and decisions to guide how you envision, explore, establish and evolve your network.

IBM Blockchain is helping companies build in greater safety and efficiency

The Home Depot is speeding resolutions and building stronger relationships.
What’s been received, what has not, and who says? Working closely with IBM Blockchain, The Home Depot now has real-time visibility into its inventory, with quick access to shared and trusted information on goods throughout their shipping and receiving process. This helps reduce the number of vendor disputes and accelerates dispute resolution.

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3 years ago
