The Guns Of Barisal: Myth of the unsolved mystery

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3 years ago

Hey friends, today I am going to tell you about something that is quite interesting and mysterious at the same time. More than 100 years have already passed but till no one is able to solve this mystery because this mystery has become a myth nowadays. So let's walk around the historical place which is known as ‘The Guns Of Barisal’.

Barisal is a name of a district of Bangladesh. But this country was part of the Indian subcontinent at that time. This incident was first discovered by the British rulers when they were ruling the Indian subcontinent. At that time British ruled over the subcontinent more than 190 years. At first they started their journey as a businessman but gradually they gained their power and with the help of local kings, soon they were able to control over the whole subcontinent. Well, I am not taking you to that story. Let us focus on our today's topic. I am adding a map of current location of that incident.

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One winter night of 1870, when the people were about to sleep at night, suddenly got afraid of devastating and huge noise. People were totally astonished and scared of that sound because they had no idea about it. Even the British rulers found themselves speechless over this matter. At first they thought that it was done by using some kind of cannons by Portuguese or Dutch merchants who were also doing their business at the same time in the subcontinent. But the answer was negative. Even they also had no idea about this mysterious sound. They began to search the location of that sound. But they failed each and every time.

Six years later in 1876, a British magistrate named Henry Beveridge, at first used the name 'Guns of Barisal' in his book. From then this name is used hugely. If we go through the book we can know that from February to October, this sound was heard from the South and Southwest of the Bay of Bengal. Sometimes people could hear one cannon like sound and sometimes they heard two or three times in a row! What's the funny part of this, the source of the sound was unknown till then. People started finding theories about it. Even some people started telling others that the Portuguese pirates were the main reason for this sounds as they might be digging canals from sea to river so that they could easily sail their boats & ships and destroy other boats of merchants. The British rulers took this rumours seriously and they started finding pirates all around the Bay Of Bengal but they failed. Then they started putting up a theory that maybe there was a volcano underneath of the Bay of Bengal. But this also failed to prove the source of the sound.

If we go through the history, we can also find out the same sounds were heard from other places of this world and no one has the proper reason to show the source of the sound. So slowly this become a myth. Here is a matter of fact that after 1950 the sound that were never heard from that place. So you can say, this is the myth or you can say this is an unsolved mystery. In 2004, an instrumental band named 'Red Cap' reformed the band with a new name using the same name of this mysterious incident. ‘The Guns Of Barisal' is the name of that instrumental band. Impressively they had used the same history behind the name of their band.

So that’s all for now. Feel free to ask me anything.

© Arn49

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3 years ago


That's a great thing to know!

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3 years ago

Thanks a lot

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3 years ago